Lily dwarfing cultivation techniques

Lilies are native to Europe, Asia and North America and are distributed in Hubei, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, and Hebei. Lily is one of the five famous fresh-cut flowers because of its large flowers, colorful, dignified and graceful posture. It can be seen in potted plants and can also be arranged in flower-bed mirrors. Its bulbs are fresh, nutritious, and can also extract flavors, have special health care effects, and are the best-selling health foods on the market. Lily has strong adaptability and can grow better in both the north and the south. It does not require strict soil quality, but it is better to choose cool, dry, sunny conditions and well-drained sandy soil. In recent years, the emergence of potted lilies has enriched the festive flower market. However, the majority of lily varieties have high plant heights of about 70-120 cm, causing inconvenience to transportation and affecting the ornamental value of lily. Lily dwarf cultivation techniques have achieved good results. 1. Selection and treatment of bulbs Planting of lily is generally conducted from September to October. Should choose full, full, healthy bulbs without pests, before planting, bulbs can be soaked in 2% formalin solution for 15 minutes or soaked with 70% thiophanate-methyl 800 times for 1 hour, remove it after drying Planting. 2. Selection and Treatment of Soil The soil (cultivation substrate) should be made of sandy loam with good permeability, strong fertility, good water retention, no bacteria, and slightly acidic (pH 5.5-7). It can be formulated with 2 parts of loam, 2 parts of fine sand and 1 part of peat soil. A small amount of phosphate fertilizer can also be added. The matrix can be disinfected by sun exposure, chemical fumigation or pan frying. 3. Selection and treatment of flower pots Pots should be selected for their strong permeability and mud pots with holes at the bottom. To enhance the ornamental quality, plastic or porcelain pots can be put on sale. The new pot should be soaked with 75% chlorothalonil WP 800 times for 30 minutes to kill the germs and eliminate the alkali in the pot. 4. Before the bulb is planted, put an upside down tile at the bottom of the pot, and then pad the soil with larger particles. Then lay a substrate with a thickness of 4-6 cm and put the bulb on the bud. Pots, covering 5-8 cm, should not be too shallow, otherwise the lily plants are easy to lodging, soil nutrients is too small, plant nutrition is insufficient. After covering the soil, it should be compacted slightly, placed in a cool place and poured with water. 5, post-plant management 5.1 dwarf treatment. When the lily buds were unearthed at a height of 6-0 cm, 100-150 mg/L paclobutrazol was applied to the soil to control the height of the lily plants so as to achieve the purpose of dwarfing the plant, compacting the plant shape, and improving the ornamental value. 5.2 Moisture Management. Lily growth and flowering require more water, it is advised to keep the basin soil moist, but not too moist, avoid water, to prevent rot roots and diseases. If the air is too dry, sprinkle water on the foliage and ground to keep the relative humidity of the air at about 70%. 5.3 Temperature Management. Lily prefers a cool climate with a suitable temperature of 10-25°C. However, it is advisable to keep the temperature at a minimum of 12-13°C after planting until emergence. After emergence, raise the temperature appropriately and control it at about 22°C during the day. If necessary, winter measures can be taken to properly warm it up. Different types of lilies require different temperatures at night, and should be treated differently and placed separately. 5.4 Lighting Management. Lily hi light enough environment. Insufficient light can cause the plants to be long and have poor flowering, but they should not be exposed to direct light. The potted lilies needed for the market during the winter lunar new year season should be selected from sunshine-neutral varieties, and be filled with light to make them grow better. The dwarfing plants, bright colors, and dark green leaves. In the spring, summer and autumn seasons, appropriate shading should be provided with shading. 5.5 Fertilizer Management. Lily grows from young seedlings, the top of the stem begins to be topped with fertilizer, combined with the application of foliar fertilization, 10 to 15 days topdressing once, to thin fertilizer and application, avoid heavy fertilizer, the early stage of nitrogen fertilizer, late When buds, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are the main components. 5.6 Pest control. Prevention and control of lily pests should be based on prevention. The main diseases are gray mold, root rot, bulb rot, leaf blight, etc. The insect pests mainly include locusts. The methods for disease prevention include: selecting disease-free bulbs; disinfecting and sterilizing bulbs, substrates, and flower pots before planting; maintaining ambient air circulation and moderate humidity; removing and destroying diseased plants in time to prevent infection; Prevention. The pest control methods include: timely removal of weeds in and around the basin; keeping the environment clean; spraying with pesticides when necessary. The commonly used agents are: carbendazim, chlorothalonil, thiophanate-methyl, dimethoate, deltamethrin, and others. Read the instruction manual carefully before use.

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