Special corn processing

In addition to direct fresh foods, sweet corn can be used for processing quick-frozen and vacuum packaging in the off-season. In addition, there is also a portion for threshing cans, mainly for various types of restaurant dishes. At present, China's large-scale edible corn processing plants are located in Hebei, Beijing, Shanghai, Shaanxi, Anhui, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Tianjin, Shandong and Liaoning provinces and cities. The largest one of them is located in Changli County, Hebei Province. It can process 75 million kilograms of fresh fruit each year. The average investment of medium-sized processing plants is over 20 million yuan, and most of them are private enterprises. Many state-owned processing plants have closed down. Most of the seeds from the above-mentioned processing plants come from China, and a small amount are directly imported from the United States (such as Shanghai Merlin Corporation). The processing of waxy corn is suitable for fresh glutinous corn. In addition to directly entering the market after harvest, a considerable amount of fresh corn is used for quick freezing and vacuum packaging, and will enter the market in the off-season. The above plant processing sweet corn also processed waxy corn. In recent years, the processing and consumption of fresh corn has exceeded the trend of sweet corn. In addition, another processing method for waxy corn is the processing of waxy corn starch. As the output value of waxy corn starch is higher than that of ordinary corn starch, small corn processing plants all over the country have started processing waxy corn to make the supply of waxy corn in short supply. At present, Shanghai's waxy corn processing plant can process 20 million kilograms a year. Tianjin Baodi and Shandong have a capacity of processing 100,000 tons of waxy corn each year. The processing of other special corn for the processing of popcorn is relatively simple, mainly using small popcorn machines scattered throughout major shopping malls and food stores throughout the country. High-quality protein corn is mainly used for feed, but it can also be used for the processing of biscuits and other foods. Since there is no large-scale promotion of such varieties in China, the processing is only in a small experimental stage. High-oil corn is suitable for the processing of high-energy feeds. Because it can produce high value-added corn oil in the comprehensive processing of corn, it has enormous processing potential. However, most of the high-oil corn produced in the past ten years has entered the market as ordinary corn, and only a few localities such as Tianjin and Shenyang have set up factories for processing. Because the scale is too small, the overall efficiency is not high and there is no further development. In recent years, due to the increasing demand for structural adjustment of corn production, the large-scale corn processing enterprises in Jilin, Heilongjiang and other provinces (such as Deda, Huanglong, Dacheng, Xinyuan, etc.) have processed more than 500,000 to 600,000 tons per year per company. Their demand for high-oil corn has increased sharply, which indicates that the prospects for high-oil corn are bright. Chinese Agricultural Editor