Scientists uncover the chaos of stem cell therapy market
August 10, 2016 Source: Bio Valley
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John Rasko, a researcher from the University of Sydney, said that in the early days of poor industry regulation, these clinics were often located in developing countries. In developing countries, weak laws and lax enforcement often made businesses involved relatively unpunished. Previously, researchers believe that online stem cell therapy services are often promoted in countries such as Southeast Asia, Russia and Eastern Europe. In recent years, some wealthy countries, such as Australia, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United States, have clinics that use the lack of supervision to make it popular.
Stem cell experts have been calling for years to stop doctors from conducting costly, unproven and potentially dangerous stem cell therapies in Australia; researchers believe that vulnerabilities for the body's own stem cells are often used in autologous stem cell transplants, Australia's new The South Wales Medical Board, the Australian Academy of Sciences and the National Health and Medical Research Council plan to conduct strict regulation, but the Australian Therapeutic Products Authority (TGA) has not yet made a final decision.
The results of the study showed that most of the sites (83%) were able to provide adult stem cells, followed by unspecified types of stem cells (13% of the site), and the rest of the site could provide embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells or fetal stem cells (8 %) or amniotic stem cells (1%), about half of the sites (52%) did not indicate the donor source of these cells. Researchers point out that many websites frequently exhibit less stringent characteristics in terms of medical conditions. These websites provide some interventions across sites and use some inconsistent terminology or classification of diseases. Some sites often use anti-aging/skin care stem cell therapy as a scorpion (47%), suggesting that marketers often offer lifestyle or aesthetic interventions rather than strict medical concerns.
Moreover, such statements are often not supported by random evidence and controlled independent clinical trials, and often lack market authorization from regulatory agencies. The number of clinics currently engaged in direct-to-consumer stem cell therapy is at an unstoppable rate, with 187 in the US, 35 in India, 28 in Mexico, 23 in China, 19 in Australia and 16 in the UK; Among the economically developed countries, Australia (8.1) is second only to Ireland (11.2) and Singapore (10.0).
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