Qi qi and blood circulation; stasis analgesia; detoxification swelling. The main stomach cramps pain; swollen and swollen; scabs; snake bites.
Indications of swelling and swelling, rheumatism, stomachache, toothache, tetanus, Japanese encephalitis, insects, snake bites, local anesthesia. For stomach pain, rheumatism, pain; external toothache, swollen swelling, insect snake bite.
1 "Study of Herbalism": relieve pain, reduce swelling, pass through phlegm, stop itching, peeling, killing.
2 "Lingnan Herbal Medicine Record": Suffering from a hundred sons, playing with a leaf, pounding porridge, and sugar clothes.
3 "Guangxi Herbal Medicine": Qi and pain, blood stasis. Governance swelling and swelling, rheumatism, and gas pain.
1 treatment of eczema: fresh branches and leaves of Jiuli, decoction, scrub the affected area. ("Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine")
2 Suffering from one hundred beats, hitting with leaves, pounding porridge, and sugar serving. Lingnan Herb Collection
3 rule belly, with Jiuli vanilla macadamia dip suit, suspected that the product. Compendium of Materia Medica cited Fuzi's "Medical Integration"
Each discussion
"Acid Herbal Preparedness": Pain relief, swelling, poisoning, Tongqiao, itchy sores, peeled wind, killing.
"Lingnan Herbal Medicine Record": suffering from a hundred children beaten, with a leaf, pounded porridge, and sugar clothes.
"Guangxi Herbal Medicine": Qi and relieve pain, promote blood circulation. Governance swelling and swelling, rheumatism, and gas pain.
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