Whether it is a broiler breeder or an egg breeder, the adoption of black-covered broiler houses generally allows punctual production, rapid egg production, high peak egg production, and low material consumption. However, during the recent visits to customers, it was found that a large number of customers delayed the start of production of broiler breeders reared in covered houses. Some of the 22 weekends added light, only 25 weeks to see the eggs, the egg production rate reached 5% on 26th, and even some of the 26th weekend was only 1%, not up to the requirements of the breeding manual standards, causing some economic losses in production. . 1Cause 1 The weight control of 1.1 hens was irrational 1.1.1 The brooding period (0-4 weeks) was seriously overweight. The goal of brooding is to control the mother and chick with proper weight and proper skeletal development, and to achieve the proper uniformity. Because the body weight was genetically related to the age at the start of production (r=0.4-0.5), that is, the larger the body weight, the later the sexual maturity, and the later age at the start of production. Therefore, in addition to controlling the body weight of broiler breeders, it is necessary to control the hens to have proper skeletons. If they are not properly controlled and large skeletons are formed, the batch of chickens will postpone the opening of production, and the production peak after production is also low and the consumption of materials is low. many. 1Cause 1 The weight control of 1.1 hens was irrational 1.1.1 The brooding period (0-4 weeks) was seriously overweight. The goal of brooding is to control the mother and chick with proper weight and proper skeletal development, and to achieve the proper uniformity. Because the body weight was genetically related to the age at the start of production (r=0.4-0.5), that is, the larger the body weight, the later the sexual maturity, and the later age at the start of production. Therefore, in addition to controlling the body weight of broiler breeders, it is necessary to control the hens to have proper skeletons. If they are not properly controlled and large skeletons are formed, the batch of chickens will postpone the opening of production, and the production peak after production is also low and the consumption of materials is low. many. 1.1.2 The brooding period (especially 1-10 weeks) is not up to standard. The breeder's skeleton (body type) is poorly developed and the chickens do not respond well to light stimulation. 1.1.3 During the growing period, the body weight is uneven throughout the week, body weight fluctuates, and body weight growth is insufficient during the late growth period. In the late brooding period (15-24 weeks), the weekly weight gain and weight gain rate of chickens in the entire chicken house (group) and the columns of large, middle and small chickens were not sufficient. Some customers emphasized one-sided weight uniformity and neglected Zhou Gaining. Insufficient, unbalanced, or even ups and downs caused by weekly weight gain, and long duration, affect the development of the reproductive system. 1.1.4 The growth curve of the weight growth in the breeding period is not well controlled. During the rearing period, especially after 12 weeks, for overweight chickens, contrary to their growth and development laws, the amount of feed fed was forcibly returned to the standard weight, that is, excessive feeding was restricted to large-sized chickens, and the development of small-sized chickens was promoted. The so-called big lean chickens and small hens. Larger-sized chickens do not have enough nutrients for the development of the reproductive system and cannot start production normally. Smaller-weight chickens are fed too fast. Although the body weight quickly catches up, most of the increase is due to fat. If the reproductive system does not develop as soon as possible, it will not be able to start production in due course. Serious chickens will remain infertility due to excessive fat deposition. After 17 weeks, the actual body weight was significantly different from the standard body weight, exceeding 5%, resulting in uneven sexual maturation. 1.1.5 Poorly developed body condition and insufficient fullness of breast muscle. Physiological and body fat requirements for sexual maturity are better with light stimulation. Too much body fat not only affects peak egg production and egg production persistence, but also stimulates ovulation to increase the proportion of double yellow eggs; body fat is too little and fullness is not enough Hens lay eggs delayed. 1.2 Uniformity of the hens The uniformity of the hens at the early stage of brooding is not high, and the evenness of the hens at the later stage of bred is not ideal. Experience has shown that for every increase or decrease of uniformity by 3%, the number of qualified eggs per hen entering the house is increased or decreased by about 4 pieces. Some users do not attach importance to early-stage uniformity, and evenness is poor. Some customers attach great importance to early-stage uniformity. However, due to inadequate conditions of rearing equipment and facilities or lack of timely detection, the uniformity is maintained to be rather poor; The control of late-degree uniformity was too harsh. After 10 weeks, the degree of evenness was overselected to improve the evenness. After 10 weeks, if the weekly weight gain was insufficient, the development of the breeder's reproductive system would be seriously affected and the sexual maturity of the chickens would be postponed. Sexual maturation uniformity is extremely poor; while some customers have reared the flock in groups, the column uniformity is less than 70% after the column is split, and the effect of improving uniformity after losing the column is lost. 1.3 Illumination program design is irrational 1.3.1 Control of illumination time and light intensity is not enough. Illumination time control generally does not use a fixed clock, and sometimes there is a phenomenon of turning on or off early or wrong. The intensity of light is insufficient and uneven; the difference in light intensity between the time of light feeding (8 hours) and the time of light extinguishing (16 hours) during the rearing period is small; the contrast between the light intensity during the laying period and the breeding period is small. For example, in a broiler breeder raised in a 12-meter span 100-meter long broiler house, the light intensity during the rearing period is 70 incandescent lamps with 4 channels of 10 watts, separated by two bright lights, and the light intensity is extremely uneven; the light intensity during the laying period Using four 18-watt and 30-watt energy-saving lamps, a total of 190, alternately arranged, from the first day of 23 weeks from 8 hours to 13 hours, after 8 days to see the first egg, egg production slower, On the 6th day of the 25th week, the egg production rate reached 1%, and the light intensity was insufficient and uneven, which affected the smooth production of the breeder. 1.3.2 In the phased rearing process, the light intensity of the rear quarters is greater than the former after the transfer. 1.3.3 does not pay enough attention to the important role of illumination wavelength (color) and illumination distribution (interval procedure). In general, blue to green is good for growth; orange to red is good for laying eggs. 1.3.4 The control of lighting in the back-season flock kept in the shed is poor. In the off-season (from March to June when hatching), due to the gradual shortening of the natural illumination time during the rearing period, the light intensity gradually weakens, and the sexual maturation period is a season in which the sunshine is gradually shortened, which is unfavorable to the sexual maturity of the flock and therefore the sex of the breeder The maturation will be postponed, the opening time will be delayed accordingly, and the laying performance at the peak of egg production and the entire laying period will be lower. Under normal circumstances, breeding breeders reared in covered houses should be raised according to the weight standards of the seasonal chickens. However, in actual production, many users do not pay enough attention to blackout, and light leakage is common. After entering the house, It is easy to see the end of the house from the front of the house. If the shed is not covered tightly, it will not play a good role in regulating the light. The chickens are not sensitive to light stimulation and will inevitably cause late breeding of the breeder. 1.3.5 The time to turn on the lights during the breeding period did not take into account the sunrise and sunset times during the entire breeding period. Chickens do not reflect light levels below 1% of normal. If the intensity of sunlight is 1000 lux during the day and 10 lux is used at night, it is equivalent to no light and no stimulation. 1.4 Accumulation of Undernutrition Different feeding practices result in differences in the cumulative energy intake and protein intake of broiler breeders. Generally, the seasonal chickens are in low temperature environment during the brooding period. The lower the temperature, the more feeds they need to feed the chickens to maintain and increase their weight. The accumulated nutrients are also very low. It is easy to achieve the accumulation of nutrients needed for start of production. Once the accumulation of nutrients reaches the demand of breeder chickens, it is easy for chickens to start production on time under the stimulation of light. Conversely, the off-season flock is in a warmer or even hot environment most of the time during the brooding and breeding period. It only needs to eat less feed to reach the standard weight, so the cumulative amount of nutrition eaten on the day of light stimulation Also less, this will cause delays in the start of production. 1.5 Feed malnutrition The quality of feed will directly affect the success or failure of breeder breeding. Nutrient levels also have a certain influence on the sexual maturity of breeder chickens. In addition to weight gain, the ovary, fallopian tube, and tissues associated with reproductive performance begin to develop rapidly during the transformation of breeders from young chicks to laying hens. The energy in the feed, the balance of proteins, especially amino acids, and the quality of trace elements and vitamin additives are important. In order to reduce the feed cost, some users use the feed that does not meet the breeder's feeding standards to breed the breeder chickens. Some users use their own feeds or use premixes. Because there is no laboratory equipment, the raw materials cannot be tested. Procurement of raw materials is often unstable, it is easy to go wrong; some users only use shovels to mix or use a small mixer, resulting in the mixing uniformity of the feed is often higher than 12%; some users use low-quality low-quality feed ingredients, such as The imbalance of amino acids in protein materials, excessive moisture in energy raw materials, mildew in raw materials, insufficient vitamin content, lack of selenium, and high levels of fluorine all directly or indirectly affect the development of the breeder's reproductive system, leading to breeder chickens. The weight is much lower than the standard, artificially causing late-breeding breeders. 6 Poor environmental conditions for rearing Breeding broiler breeders are exposed to different ambient temperatures, especially in winter. There are no heating facilities in some areas. Shelter is mainly maintained by closing doors and windows. Most broiler houses will be damaged due to poor ventilation. Indoor air is dirty and litter is damp. If the ventilation is excessive, it will cause a sudden drop in temperature, resulting in a low temperature in the chicken house, poor quality of litter, or poor air quality in the house. At the same time, breeding stocks are overseed and the rearing apparatus is low. Slow and uneven cloth speeds can affect the sexual maturity of breeders and cause late-breeding of breeders. 1.7 Stress does not pay enough attention to the temperature difference between day and night. The dust in the house is too large, and various stress factors add up to harm the breeders. The prevalence of 1.8 chickens during brooding, especially coccidiosis and other intestinal diseases, affects the digestion and absorption of nutrients by breeders, causing growth retardation of breeder chickens and difficulty in achieving standard body weight; breeder chickens such as infected chickens during early brooding Infectious bronchitis can also affect the development of the reproductive system, resulting in late production of breeding chickens. 2 Preventive measures To reduce the losses caused by the late-production of broiler breeders raised in veiled chicken houses, the breeders should start production in due course and respond. The indicators such as weight, uniformity, light, temperature, and feed intake of the flock are reasonably controlled manually and effective measures are taken in actual production. 2.1 Correct control of the weight of breeder hens 2.1.1 It is important to control early weight. The brooding period (0-4 weeks old) requires the weight to reach the standard or slightly higher than the standard; the early gestation period (5-12 weeks old) weight should reach the standard, the weight should be consistent with the standard; the chicken whose weight exceeds the standard after 12 weeks should be heavy To draw the weight curve, you cannot force back the standard curve, but should increase along the standard curve in parallel. 2.1.2 Ensuring adequate weight gain during the later stages of gestation, the weekly weight gain and weight gain rate for 15-24 weeks should meet the requirements and maintain a uniform and stable weight gain. After 15 weeks, the breeder gradually enters the sexual maturity stage. For lighter or overweight birds, the weight cannot be adjusted back to the standard immediately, but it should maintain a steady increase every week, requiring sufficient weekly weight gain; For large, medium and small chickens, the weekly weight gain and weight gain rate for each bar should also meet the standard. Do not overextend or lose weight. Don't overfeed the big chickens. Do not overfeed the chickens to ensure the chickens. The normal development of the reproductive system. 2.1.3 A reasonable weight growth curve should be maintained throughout the entire growth period and meet the weight gain rules of each stage. The weight adjustment is completed as early as possible before 12 weeks of age, and then parallel to the standard curve; avoiding the “zigzag†shape growth of the body weight; ensuring that the weight and body condition of the breeding chicken meet the requirements at the time of opening, if the weight is not enough at the start of production, the body condition is not enough. Poor, it will affect the egg production rate, egg weight and egg production persistence; if the average weekly overweight increase, it will also affect the peak egg production, egg production rate maintenance and increase the rate of death Amoy. 2.1.4 correctly monitor the breeder's condition development. The three important stages of assessing fullness are 16-23 weeks, 30-40 weeks, and 40 weeks to elimination. There are four main parts of the breeder's body that need to be monitored: chest, wings, pubic bone, and abdominal fat. The chickens should be sampled for touch observation and assessment on a weekly basis. Monitor the fullness and sexual maturity of the flock at least 2 times per week during 20-23 weeks. Observe the color of the flock's face, flesh and cocks, and adjust feeding procedures as appropriate. 2.1.5 Weight-based. Weigh weekly from the age of 1 week, and then sample and weigh correctly on time every week; the weighing should be accurate and practical in order to correctly guide the feeding program. In determining the amount of feed next week, it should be noted that: the amount of feed in the manual is for reference only, and the specific conditions such as feed nutrition, feeding methods, and temperature should be taken into consideration during implementation; at any time, it is not possible to reduce or feed rapidly; The feed effect should be taken into account. Under normal circumstances, after adjusting the amount of feed, weight gain and decrease after 3 weeks can be revealed. Some fields did not understand the feed effect. After increasing the amount of feed, it was found that the increase in feed weight was not significant and continued to add feed. The body weight still did not meet the requirement of refeeding. As a result, after 3 weeks, the body weight began to exceed the standard, and was busy with control. As a result, the chickens were circulated. Physical fitness decline, sexual maturity is slow. 2.1.6 Pay attention to the rearing of rearing chickens. The back-season chickens are kept dark, and when regulated by the standard of seasonal chickens, the weight at the end of the 24th week may be 80-100 g higher than the standard. 2.2 Reasonable regulation of the evenness of the breeding hen The average uniformity of the breeding hen reflects the overall development of the chicken, and the uniformity and weight have a greater impact on the laying rate. The uniformity of the brooding period is mainly controlled by body weight, body type, body condition (muscle fullness), sexual maturity, body maturity, feathers, appearance, male-female ratio, and immune antibody titer. The two main factors affecting uniformity are genetic and management differences, but they are mainly based on management differences. Good uniformity is as important as attaining standard body weight. The earlier the uniformity is controlled, the better the growth and development of the breeder is. Therefore, the problem of preventing the emergence of breeder breeders is more problematic than that of existing breeders and measures are taken to correct their production value and economic efficiency. The goal of uniformity is to reach 80% or higher. The chickens are kept separately when they break, and the amount of material is increased by 10%-30% in order to meet the weight standard at the end of the 4th week; the chickens are bred according to the weight of the chickens and divided into small pens (as soon as possible); Electronic scales with a value less than 5g are grouped in groups of large, medium, and small for 3-4 weeks, and the weight range of the chickens is reasonably determined. The whole group is weighed again at 6-8 weeks (remember that the grouping is As a last resort, if the flock is properly managed and the uniformity is high, there is no need to re-group; from the first week onwards, do a good job of uniformity; on the day of restriction and immunization, make the necessary picks; provide adequate The material level and water level, the cloth speed is fast and uniform; ensure stable and reliable feed quality; create a good microclimate environment; use coccidiosis vaccine to prevent the occurrence of coccidiosis and other help to achieve the desired uniformity. 2.3 Determine a Reasonable Lighting Program 2.3.1 Perform a proper lighting stimulus. The following conditions should be satisfied when the hens are subjected to light stimulation: the age of the breeder should reach 154 days or more; the body weight should reach 2.4-2.5 kilograms; the main wing feather replacement should have 2-3 roots; and more than 90% of the chicken pubis should be open. The degree reached 2 or so, and there was a certain fat deposition on the pubic bone; the accumulated energy and protein were up to standard; the body condition of the hen (breast muscle fullness) developed well. 2.3.2 In the phased rearing process, if there is a need for transfer in the later stage of rearing, the light intensity of the subsequent transfer shall not exceed the former. 2.3.3 The light intensity at the time of lighting in the breeding period should be about 10 times when the light is turned off; the light intensity of the laying house should be more than 10 times the light intensity of the breeding house, and the light intensity should be sufficient, the distribution should be uniform, and no Light dead spots and shadows. 2.3.4 During the rearing period, the darkness during the rearing of chickens shall be tight. Air intakes, air outlets, doorways, door frames, windows, roofs, etc., should absolutely avoid the occurrence of light leakage, so that the breeding chickens can be opened on time, and the number and qualification rate of eggs can be increased. The accumulated nutrition of 2.4 hens should meet the standard and the accumulated nutrition should not meet the standard. The chickens are insensitive to light stimulation. In order to enable the breeding of chickens smoothly, the accumulated energy of breeding hens should reach 112.97 MJ or more, and the accumulated protein should reach more than 1,500 g. 2.5 Feed nutrients for the full price of breeding chickens adopt the correct nutrition formula; purchase feed ingredients that meet the quality requirements, and strictly control the processing, transportation, and storage of feeds, especially to avoid mildew of feed ingredients and finished products; It is forbidden to use moldy and deteriorating feed ingredients to provide full price nutrition for breeders and lay a foundation for the smooth production of breeders. 2.6 Establish a good microclimate environment in the house to maintain a reasonable stocking density; equipped with adequate breeding equipment; provide the correct temperature for the breeder; maintain good ventilation; strengthen litter management; implement refined operations to create a stable and high yield for the chickens environment of. 2.7 Reducing Stress For regions where the temperature difference between day and night is large, attention should be paid to the constant temperature of the operating temperature (the minimum temperature of the chicken house plus 2/3 of the difference between the minimum and maximum temperature of the chicken house). The temperature difference between day and night should not be too great for other regions. Minimize the house dust; try to avoid all kinds of stress factors (such as vaccine injection and temperature difference, etc.) stacking together to cause harm to breeders and ensure the health of chickens. 2.8 Improve the biosafety system to prevent the occurrence of various epidemics Strictly implement the biosafety system of all-in and all-out, one breeder farm only raises one batch of breeder chickens to prevent pathogenic microorganisms from invading the flock; formulate scientific and reasonable according to local actual conditions The immunization program, targeted procurement of high-quality vaccines and the implementation of precise and effective immunization operations, regular antibody testing; selection of appropriate drugs, preventive drug administration at an appropriate time; strict implementation of comprehensive isolation and disinfection and health management Procedures to reduce the content of pathogenic microorganisms inside and outside the house; pay attention to detail management and on-site management, maintain a good health status of the chickens, ensure that the chickens are opened on time, and maximize the production performance of parent chickens.
Oxygen Cylinder Filling System
With PSA principles, ETR oxygen cylinder filling system can produce 93%±3% purity oxygen gas from compressed air directly. ETR oxygen cylinder filling system is consisted of Atlas screw air compressor, refrigerated air dryer, compressed air filter, air buffer tank, ETR oxygen plant, oxygen buffer tank, oxygen booster, cylinder filling station and HMI control cabinet.
Compressed air is purified through the air dryer and filters to a certain level for main plant to work with. Air buffer is incorporated for smooth supply of compressed air thus to reduce fluctuation of compressed air source. The plant produces oxygen with PSA (pressure swing adsorption) technology, which is a time proven oxygen generation method. Oxygen of desired purity at 93%±3% is delivered to oxygen buffer tank for smooth supply of product gas. Oxygen in buffer tank is maintained at 4bar pressure. With an oxygen booster, the oxygen pressure can be to 150bar and fill in cylinders.

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