Pre-harvest cultivation of lentils, high-efficient three-dimensional cultivation of summer cabbage on both sides of lentils, rapid interplanting of autumn leafy vegetables, and winter intercropping of broad beans in summer, 3,000 kg of fresh broad beans and 1,500 kg of summer cabbage per 667 square meters 800 kg of fresh leafy vegetables, 600 kg of fresh broad bean pods, and annual net income of 5,500 yuan. The main cultivation techniques are as follows: The cultivation of lentils is conducted with early-maturing and high-quality red-rimmed green lentils, which are grown on 10th and 10th centimeters in the nutrition pods on March 30th. The nutritious soil is prepared from 50% of the vegetable garden soil and 50% of the mature pods. to make. Before sowing, the water poured into the nutrition bowl, dried seeds were seeded, and 1.5 cm thick nutritious soil was placed on the seeds. Then, the plastic film was covered with a small arch shed. After the emergence, the plastic film was peeled off, and the air was properly ventilated at noon on sunny days. The shelf temperature was kept at 26°C and the seedling period was 25-30 days. In early April, on selected parcels, 2,500 kilograms of organic manure, 10 kilograms of urea, and 50 kilograms of compound fertilizer were applied to every 667 square meters, and the land was ploughed to create a 1.7-meter-wide sorghum bed with a width of 30 cm. In late April, a single row of lentils was planted in the center of the trampoline, with a plant spacing of 40 cm and 900 plants per 667 m2. When the lentils grow to 40cm in length, they must be introduced in time and the scaffolds should be 1.5 meters high. During the period of childbirth, teeth should be timely wiped, smashed and picked up, and the length of stems should not exceed 1.8m in order to facilitate harvesting and interplanting with crops. The picking of lentils began in late June. For each harvest, 2 to 3 times, 10 kg of compound fertilizer consisting mainly of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was applied per 667 square meter of irrigation. Lentils have been harvested until mid-November. Interplanting Summer Cabbage Summer cabbage should be selected from heat-resistant, disease-resistant Xiafeng, Xiayang and other varieties. In early June, 2,500 kg of organic manure, 10 kg of urea, and 30 kg of compound fertilizer were applied to each 667 m2 of lentils on both sides of the lentil line. After plowing and leveling, seeds were sown at 60 cm intervals on both sides of the lentil line in mid-June. Summer cabbage. The distance between holes is 25---30cm, 2300-2600 holes are played every 667m2, and the amount of seed is 150g/667m2. After sowing, a layer of plant knots shall be placed on the surface of the caverns before emergence to ensure that the seedlings are formed and the seedlings are set at the time of 2 leaves and 1 heart. During the summer cabbage cabbage chase a ball fertilizer, urea 15 kg or 750 kg of human waste per 667 square meters. Harvested summer cabbage in mid-August. Sets of fast-growing leafy instant leafy vegetables can be selected for heat-resistant cabbage or leeks, such as dwarf resistance No. 4, dwarf No. 1 cabbage, or yellow shell rice bran, etc. In late August, the seeds of fast-growing leafy vegetables were sowed on the clods on both sides of the lentil line. The amount of 0.5 kg was used for every 667 square meters. In late September, batches of fast-growing leafy vegetables were harvested. After each harvest, thin human fecal urine was poured to raise seedlings. Sets of broad bean broad bean varieties should be selected high-yield, high-quality, large-grain vegetable varieties, such as Daqing Pi, Qi Bai 2, and so on. After the fast-growing leafy vegetables are harvested, 100 kg of compound fertilizer will be applied every 667 square meters in the first half of October to plow and level land. In the middle and late October, broad bean sprouts were planted on the side of the lentils at 35cm from both sides of the lentil line. The row spacing was 35cm. The distance between the points was 20-25cm. Each line was broadcasted on 2 sides. Each hole was sown with 2-3 grains and 6000 holes per 667m2. In mid-December, one-time human fecal urine was applied, and 30 kg of compound fertilizer was applied every 667 square meters in the early stage of flowering. When the broad bean stem grows out of 16 knots, it needs to be trimmed to improve the yield and plant lodging resistance. Pest Control Pests and Diseases: Aphids are treated with 25% Dioscorerin EC 1500 times, or 50% anti-Astragalillin EC 4000 times; Pieris rapae, Plutella xylostella, Cardamom, Helicoverpa armigera are 1500 times more than 5% of CPT. Liquid or 5% of the card die 1500 times liquid control. In the process of three-dimensional and high-efficient cultivation, viral diseases are controlled with 20% of the virus A800 times; Chinese cabbage soft rot is treated with 10 million units of agricultural streptomycin and 75 kg of water; and 50% of cabbage downy mildew is used. Metalaxyl 400 times or 50% Prodigon 1000 times solution.
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