Prevention and cure of jujube

A few days ago, the date of juvenile juvenile Mosquitoes and red spiders was onset, and the two diseases were urgently prevented. On May 22th, the reporter interviewed the associate professor of the Northwest A&F University on the prevention and control of the two diseases. Wen Hai.

The main damage period of the juvenile Mosquitoes was leafing period. After injury, the leaves were curled, with both sides facing inwards, becoming stick-like and purple-red. One or more white pods are contained inside, and the leaves become rigid cylinders, and the fresh leaves lose the photosynthetic effect, the top buds are inhibited from growing, and the tips of the leaves are dark-haired.

: (1) The ground spraying eliminates the overwintering larvae: in the occurrence of severe jujube gardens, the insecticides such as pyrethroids and imidacloprid are sprayed 1,000 times from May to June.

(2) Prevention and treatment of larval damage peak period: 20% imidacloprid plus 10% bifenthrin 1500-2000 times solution or AWD 1000-1500 times solution can be used for prevention and treatment.

(3) Agricultural control: Overwintering in winter, in late March and early June, the base of the trunk will be soiled to prevent overwintering and adult emergence. In late August, under the cover of jujube trees, old mature larvae will be prevented from entering the soil for winter.

The most common insect pests in the cultivation facilities of the red spider spider's jujube area are the damages of the leaves and young parts of the jujube tree. If the leaves are severe, the leaves will be yellow, which will cause early falling leaves and fruit drop and affect the yield.

: Body length 0.53mm, width 0.32mm, oval body, rust red or dark red, body sides have dark spots on each side, back hair 26, its length exceeds the distance between the back row. Male body length 0.359mm, width 0.195mm, body slightly diamond-shaped. Juveniles have three pairs of feet, and four pairs of feet if they are pods or pods. Oval, transparent.

The northern jujube area occurs 12 to 15 generations a year. The occurrence and growth are related to the environment. The optimum temperature for the activity is 25~35°C, and the optimum relative humidity is 35~55%. High temperature drying occurs seriously.

: (1) Elimination of overwintering insect sources: scraping old bark trees in the winter, clearing litters and weeds in the garden, and concentratively burning old bark, litter, weeds, etc., which can effectively reduce the number of outbreaks.

(2) Chemical control: Mainly catching the control of the spider mites during the pupa period (mid-late and late May to early June). During the pupa period, the worms are mainly concentrated in the canopies of the crown. In this period, spraying can basically control the year Victimized. When the high-temperature period in July and August is seriously damaged, spraying 2~3 times can also be basically controlled. The following agents can be used: 1% avermectin cream 5000 times, or mineral oil, 30% mothfolin 2000 times, 10% liuyangmycin 1000 times, or 1% Qixue 4000 times, 2000~3000 times the broom net, 50% net death (Apollo).

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