A Foley catheter is a flexible medical tube that is inserted into the bladder through the urethra to drain urine. It is commonly used in medical settings when a patient is unable to urinate on their own or needs continuous bladder drainage especially after undergoing some kinds of surgeries. The catheter has a balloon at the end that is inflated once inside the bladder to keep it in place. The urine drains into a urine collection bag attached to the foley catheter. Foley catheters come in different sizes from 6FR - 10FR (pediatric) and 12FR-24FR (adult) and are made typically from latex or silicone. Silicone is superior from every sides comparing to latex foley catheter.
Foley catheter,indwelling catheter,urinary catheter,coude catheter,ureteral catheter
2 MEDS TECHONOLOGY CO.,LTD , https://www.2-meds.com