Respiratory infections can only rely on antibiotics?

Respiratory infections can only rely on antibiotics?

June 28, 2019 Source: Chinese Journal of Science and Technology

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An important reason for the high mortality rate of the flu is the accompanying secondary bacterial infection.

"Lower respiratory tract infections cause a large number of deaths worldwide, of which secondary bacterial infections are particularly dangerous after viral infection." Recently, Li Liang, an associate researcher at the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said in an interview with the Journal of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In order to help doctors more accurately diagnose and treat respiratory tract infections, Li Liang team developed a new diagnostic and therapeutic method based on the discovery of important markers of lung tissue destruction. Relevant medical products are expected to enter industrialized testing and development within three years. Recently, relevant research results were published in the famous international journal mBio in the field of microbiology.

Are you in urgent need of antibiotics? This protein tells you

"Secondary bacterial infections often catch the time of invasion of the body's low resistance, causing damage to the lungs, causing inflammation, edema and many other problems." Li Liang told the Chinese Journal of Science and Technology that antibiotics are currently responding to bacterial infections. The basic therapeutic drugs, however, the abuse of antibiotics can also produce side effects such as liver and kidney damage, while spawning resistant bacteria. Therefore, accurately determining the degree of lung damage, providing doctors with drug use and auxiliary diagnostic criteria has become an urgent problem to be solved.

"The normal person's alveoli are air, and the cells are closely connected to prevent body fluid from entering the alveoli." Li Liang said, "In infected patients, this connection will be destroyed, body fluids will enter the alveolar space, causing internal suffocation. Just like people drowning while swimming."

After a lot of research, the Li Liang team discovered the host protein ANGPTL4, an important marker of lung tissue destruction.

"This protein is equivalent to a key that opens the connection between cells." Li Liang said. Experiments have shown that the protein content of patients with lung infection will increase by more than 10 times. The use of this protein as an objective quantitative indicator will provide doctors with a new and more accurate auxiliary diagnostic method.

Antibiotic antibody combined with "combat"

Finding host protein markers has only helped the accurate diagnosis of the disease, and another major problem facing traditional antibiotic treatment is super-resistant bacteria.

With the increasing use of antibiotics in the clinic, the situation of bacterial resistance has become increasingly severe. Taking the 2009 H1N1 flu as an example, despite the widespread use of antibiotics, deaths from secondary bacterial infections still account for 55%.

"In addition to the problem of drug resistance, previous studies have found that antibiotics also have some side effects of immunosuppression, and can not directly protect and repair the lung tissue itself." Li Liang said.

After discovering the above-mentioned key proteins in the lungs, the team designed the corresponding antibody therapy for the protein. According to mouse experiments, this new combination of antibodies and antibiotics increased the survival rate of bacterial lung infection by 80%. "Using monoclonal antibodies in combination with antibiotics found that not only is the treatment better than traditional single antibiotics, but it also reduces lung edema, protects lung tissue, and activates immune cells."

Completed humanization of antibodies

In the future treatment of the human body, Li Liang said that through injection and drug inhalation, the drug can be directly imported into the lungs, and high drug safety can be guaranteed.

It is understood that the research has completed the humanization of antibodies, and the next step will be to enter the actual testing phase, so that the treatment method is closer to clinical diagnosis and treatment applications. “The team has now obtained the cooperative development intention of international pharmaceutical companies. It is expected that related drugs will enter industrialization testing and development within two or three years,” Li Liang said.

As a doctor who has been working in the clinical field for a long time, Fan Yunping, a professor at the Seventh Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, believes that this study provides potential and highly feasible treatment ideas and methods for the infection of clinically refractory drug-resistant strains.

Fang Mingliang, a professor at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, said the study found new human markers for the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory infections and developed antibody-based therapies that have the potential to aid and enhance the efficacy of traditional antibiotics. Research and application value.

Related paper information:

《Journal of Chinese Sciences》 (2019-06-28 3rd Edition)

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