Chinese researchers have developed a new "genetic scissors" carrier

Chinese researchers have developed a new "genetic scissors" carrier

April 08, 2019 Source: Xinhua News Agency

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Xinhua News Agency, Washington, April 6 (Reporter Zhou Zhou) Researchers from Nanjing University, Xiamen University and Nanjing University of Technology recently published a paper in the new issue of the journal Science Progress, which they developed a genetic scissors. The new carrier of the tool can realize the controllable gene editing and has broad application prospects in the treatment of major diseases such as cancer.

Recognized as "genetic scissors", CRISPR gene editing technology can accurately locate and cleave the gene locus on DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), and can shut down a gene or introduce new gene fragments to achieve therapeutic purposes. But the off-target effect has always been one of the key obstacles to its application.

The author of the paper, Song Yujun, a professor at the School of Modern Engineering and Applied Sciences at Nanjing University, told Xinhua News Agency that the current CRISPR-Cas9 technology itself has off-target effects, which poses challenges for precision treatment, and this technology mainly uses viruses as carriers. Lead to cell cancer.

According to reports, the researchers' newly developed method uses a non-viral vector called "upconversion nanoparticles." These nanoparticles, which are "locked" to the "genetic scissors" CRISPR-Cas9 system, can be endocytosed by cells. Because these nanoparticles are photocatalytic, under the non-invasive near-infrared light, the nanoparticles can emit ultraviolet light, open the "lock" between the nanoparticles and the Cas9 protein, and make the Cas9 protein enter the nucleus, thus achieving accurate genes. Cut. Studies have shown that the effectiveness of this method has been validated in in vitro cell and mouse in vivo tumor experiments.

Song Yujun said that infrared light has strong tissue penetration, which makes it possible to apply genetic editing technology safely and accurately in deep tissue of human body.


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