Generally speaking, an important part of the dairy goat breeding work is the cultivation of the lamb. The growth and development stage of the lamb needs great care, so that its genes and potential can be fully utilized. Lambs at different stages have different feeding contents. Let's learn together.
First, the initial stage
If the ewes are poorly managed in the dry period, the fetus grows abnormally. The lambs have weak adaptability to sudden changes in living conditions, low disease resistance, and are susceptible to various diseases. Therefore, the nursing and feeding of the lambs is very important.
Lambs should be fed as early as possible and fed with colostrum. Healthy lambs can stand 20 to 30 minutes after birth, start looking for ewes directly sucking colostrum, or squeeze colostrum from the feeding bottle Inhaled, breastfeeding 4 to 6 times a day, the daily feeding amount is 1/5 to 1/4 of the lamb's birth weight. For example, the mother lamb with a birth weight of 3 kg is fed 0.6-0.7 kg per day, and then increases day by day. On the sixth day after birth, the amount of milk can be increased to 0.8-1.0 kg. In this way, the lamb's daily gain can reach 150 to 200 grams. It should be noted that colostrum will solidify after heating, so when feeding colostrum with a feeding bottle, it should be fed with the colostrum; when the milk temperature drops below 35 °C, it can be heated to 40 ~ 42 °C and then fed (if colostrum The temperature is too low, and the lamb may cause gastrointestinal dysfunction and diarrhea after eating.
From colostrum to 40 days of age, breast milk is the main food for lambs. The amount of milk in the male lamb is 1/4 of the body weight, and the mother lamb is 1/5 of the body weight. From the 15th day onwards, we should start to adjust the lambs to eat high-quality tender hay to promote their rumen development, and to avoid the lambs eating dirty things. The method is to hang a bundle of green hay on the fence and let the lambs eat freely. From the age of 20 days, the lambs were fed with mixed concentrates. At this stage, the lambs gradually transitioned from feeding milk to feeding forage. In the warm and windless conditions, let the lambs go to the outdoor playground twice a day for 1 to 2 hours.
Second, 40 days old to weaning stage
At 40 to 60 days of age, the amount of lamb fed is gradually reduced, and the amount of forage is gradually increased. At 60 to 100 days of age, the amount of feed is maintained at a certain level, and the amount of forage feed should be gradually increased. From 100 days of age to weaning, the amount of milk has been reduced to a small extent. The lamb's food is mainly forage, and the crude protein content in the diet should be no less than 20% and the crude fiber content should not exceed 6%.
Third, 4 to 12 months of age
The 4~12 month old lamb has been weaned and is a young sheep. Its growth and development is still in a strong period, and its body weight, body length, chest width and chest depth develop rapidly. If cultivated improperly, young sheep will develop stunted conditions such as high leg and chest, and even lead to low milk production. Some people think that the more sheep goats and concentrates are fed to the lambs, the better. Although the young sheep cultivated by this method has a faster weight gain, the body is short, the ribs are closely arranged, the muscles are thick, the skeleton is small, and the sexual maturity is early, forming a meat body type. The sheep will have low milk yield and short service life. . If the lamb is short of milk or has a short lactation period, the later feeding is insufficient, and it will grow into a small, thin, two-headed body shape, and the milk yield is not high in adulthood. At this stage, in addition to feeding 200-300 grams of mixed concentrate per day, a sufficient amount of grass and green hay should be fed to make the crude protein content in the diet not less than 16%. In addition, daily exercise should be strengthened to adopt the method of whole-grazing breeding. It is ideal for young sheep to grow up, have large feed intake, strong digestion ability, strong body and large milk production in the future.
The above is the whole content of today, the sheep farmers can look at it more, or they can collect the spare one first. I hope everyone can raise a high-quality sheep.
Source: "Scientific Breeding"
Author: Yang Guo Ping
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