New research to clarify the basic structure of Ebola virus

New research to clarify the basic structure of Ebola virus

October 22, 2018 Source: Xinhuanet

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A recent study in Japan has clarified the basic structure of the Ebola virus and is expected to be used to develop therapeutic drugs for Ebola hemorrhagic fever.

Ebola hemorrhagic fever has a high mortality rate and there is currently no effective treatment. Ebola virus is a slender virus. RNA (ribonucleic acid) is entangled around a large number of nuclear proteins to form a spiral structure, which can resist the decomposition enzymes in cells after infecting cells.

Researchers at the University of Okinawa University of Science and Technology, Kyoto University, and the University of Tokyo used a cryo-electron microscope to observe and analyze the steric structure of the Ebola virus "nuclear-RNA complex" and the proteins and proteins that make up the virus. , the way the protein and the genome are combined.

Relevant research results have been published online in the British magazine Nature.

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Manual Video Measuring Instrument 4.

The manual image measuring instrument consists of three parts: an image acquisition device, a data acquisition device, and a two-dimensional measurement software. The zoom objective lens and high-resolution color camera form an image acquisition device, and the data acquisition device is composed of a grating ruler and a data processor. The image and data are measured using 2D measurement software to achieve point, line, arc, and distance measurements.

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