Scientists use DNA to make metamaterials that greatly regulate photon propagation properties

Optical properties are one of the most important properties of metamaterials. Optical metamaterials are materials that transmit light. They refract, reflect, and transmit to change the direction, intensity, and phase of light, allowing light to travel as intended and path, and to absorb or transmit light over a range of wavelengths. Change the spectral composition of the light.

科学家利用DNA制作出的超材料, 可大幅调节光子传播性质

In the current research, optical metamaterials mostly use glass, crystal, plastic, etc. as prototypes. Unlike traditional studies, researchers at Northwestern University have developed a new type of photon nanoparticles using DNA strands. The structure is structured to form a superlattice structure for the development of post-devices such as medical sensors.

科学家利用DNA制作出的超材料, 可大幅调节光子传播性质

In order to develop this new material and structure, the researchers combined lithography and DNA drive technology. First, they used lithography to drill a nanometer-wide pore on the polymer resist as nano The landing pads into which the particles fall (where the particles pass through the DNA strand), when the second or third particles fall on top, they bind together and remain vertically stacked.

Subsequently, the research team used gold nanoparticles to coat the above structures to form a superlattice structure.

科学家利用DNA制作出的超材料, 可大幅调节光子传播性质

Surprisingly, when they placed the material in different concentrations of ethanol, they found that the DNA strand automatically changed its length, changing the color of the material (from black to red to green).

In this regard, Koray Aydin said: "Developing the optical properties of metamaterials is a major challenge, and our approach has enabled optical materials to reach the highest tunable range available."

The nature of metamaterials depends primarily on the structure of the material, so scientists predict that they can design metamaterials with almost all optical properties by adjusting the size, shape and type of particles.

“The material platform we propose is of great importance to the next generation of optical metamaterials and surface components.”

It is worth mentioning that metamaterials, as a kind of new materials, have very broad application prospects, such as the full photon band gap, invisibility cloak and 3D display technology that can be foreseen now. In China, Shenzhen Guangqi is a listed company specializing in super materials.



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