Snuff may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes in individuals

Snuff may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes in individuals

February 10, 2017 Source: Bio Valley

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Recently, a research report published in the International Journal of Internal Medicine , researchers from institutions such as Caroline College in Sweden found that one or more snuffs (Swedish snuff or impregnated tobacco) were taken every day. Individuals have a 70% increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Snuff is a smokeless tobacco product that is made from fermented tobacco leaf powder and is used for nasal suction.

According to data from the Swedish public health agency, about 19% of men and 4% of women in Sweden have snuff, and type 2 diabetes is also common in the population. About 7% of adults are diagnosed with diabetes. And up to 20% of the population are at risk of diabetes, and diabetes may also induce multiple complications in individuals, such as cardiovascular disease or premature death.

In this study, the researchers analyzed data from 54,500 men between 1990 and 2013. During the study period, 2,441 individuals were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Based on the scale of the study, the researchers were able to evaluate the snuff for never. The impact of smoking people.

Researcher Professor Sofia Carlsson said that we confirmed early research speculation that snuff individuals are at higher risk for type 2 diabetes and that this effect does not seem to be explained by accidental smoking or unhealthy lifestyles. Individuals with low levels of snuff intake (5-6 packs per week) have a 40% increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and the explanation for this possibility may be the effect of nicotine. Experimental studies have shown that nicotine can damage the body. Insulin sensitivity and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes in individuals.

Snuff users tend to expose them to the same dose of nicotine as smokers. When the individual stops taking snuff, the risk will not increase. This indicates that snuffing may bring certain benefits to the body.

From a broader perspective, current research shows that smokers are more likely to develop cancer and cardiovascular disease than snuff users, but the risk of type 2 diabetes caused by snuff in terms of the risk of type 2 diabetes Not as serious as smoking. Individuals with diabetes tend to be driven by life factors, so reducing the risk of diabetes in individuals should not ingest tobacco, and try to avoid overweight and inactivity.


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