Dr. Ying wants to freeze the brain and believes that future technology can make it "rebirth"

Release date: 2016-12-29

The Alcor Life Extension Foundation, the largest cryoablation provider in the United States, was founded in 1972 and first frozen in 1976. The Scottsdale, Arizona-based organization is convinced that when cells When regeneration, cloning, or other techniques emerge, the value of their refrigeration technology will be reflected, and those who are frozen will be able to “return to life”.

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on December 26, the British "futurist" and Dr. Max More, the CEO of Alco Life Extension Fund, wanted to apply for "freezing" for himself, but he only I want to freeze my brain and skull. In a short documentary, he told the Galactic Public Archives that he thought his body was not "replaceable" like the brain.

It is reported that after being declared a legal death, the frozen body's body is frozen in a container of extremely low temperature, and they hope that future advances in science and technology will enable them to "rebirth." Morey also hopes to "rebirth" his brain.

He said: "Some people call this practice a 'decapitation'. This is a mistake. We are not going to cut our heads, but to close our body organs. The brain is the part we want." In addition to Morey, more than half of the Foundation's members choose to freeze their brains, not the entire body. These members are still alive, but they have made the necessary freezing arrangements for being declared legally dead.

According to reports, the remains of the dead body or brain stored in the Alco Foundation are called "patients." In November, the foundation had 1,111 members and 149 patients. The company believes that the current legal death is one day reversible. But they still don't know when or how to "resurrect" those who have frozen their bodies or brains.

Source: World Wide Web

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