Gastric infection is closely related to Parkinson's disease

Gastric infection is closely related to Parkinson's disease

June 15, 2016 Source: Bio Valley

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Researchers report that common bacterial infections in human stomachs are significantly associated with worsening symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease in the world, causing limb tremors and reducing motor coordination. The cause of the disease is still unknown, and doctors can only treat the symptoms of the disease.

Researchers at the University of Malaysia analyzed a small group of patients with Parkinson's disease, some of whom carried some, and some did not carry the gastric mucosa infected with Helicobacter pylori. Their findings show that approximately one-third of all infection tests are associated with Parkinson's disease.

Patients who are infected with a pathogen in a maneuverability test will reduce the symptoms of Parkinson's disease after being treated.

More than half of the world's population carries Helicobacter pylori, and the country with the highest infection rate is in Asia. It affects the development of intestinal mucosa, causes chronic infections, and often infects bacteria during childhood. This bacterium can cause a series of digestive tract diseases that can be infinitely propagated unless treated, although some patients have not shown any symptoms.

The researchers proposed two main theories to explain their results. First, infection can reduce the absorption of levodopa, a drug that can reduce the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. It has been further speculated that chronic Helicobacter pylori infection may exacerbate and even cause Parkinson's disease. However, they also speculate that Parkinson's disease may also make patients more susceptible to H. pylori infection.

The researchers said they conducted a study of 103 subjects with the primary goal of confirming the link between H. pylori infection and Parkinson's disease.

But they said they found that the link between H. pylori infection and the deterioration of Parkinson's disease symptoms is very close, so clinical trials can be designed to confirm it and explore its causes in more depth.

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