Rapid diagnostic techniques help reduce antibiotic abuse

Rapid diagnostic techniques help reduce antibiotic abuse

August 08, 2016 Source: Xinhuanet

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A recent report published in the British Lancet Global Health magazine uses a rapid diagnostic technique to help control the abuse of antibiotics in the treatment of respiratory infections and to prevent the spread of drug-resistant bacterial infections.

The study was led by a research branch of Oxford University in Hanoi, Vietnam. According to the report, this rapid detection technology is mainly to detect C-reactive protein in human blood, and this marker is related to the degree of pathogen infection in the blood. If the C-reactive protein level is low, it means that the patient is likely to be a viral infection rather than a bacterial infection. In this case, antibiotics are not needed, thus reducing the use of antibiotics. At present, this method is mainly used to diagnose respiratory infections, and the detection process takes only about 5 minutes.

The research team said that they initially promoted the detection technology in 10 primary medical centers in the urban area of ​​Hanoi and around, and randomly recorded the use of antibiotics in about 2,000 patients in these medical centers. The results showed that the population as a whole showed that The amount of antibiotics used has fallen sharply.

One of the authors of the report, Professor Hayman Wertheim of Oxford University, pointed out that the current use of this technology in different local medical centers is not the same. For example, some centers may encourage doctors to use more because of the "inventory" of antibiotics. This also brings some practical problems for the promotion of related technologies. In the future, large-scale promotion also requires communication to solve such problems.

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