PM2.5 interference gene expression affects health
November 12, 2015 Source: Xinhuanet
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According to Chen Renjie, the first author of the paper, epigenetic means that the genetic information such as DNA sequence has not changed, but the gene expression process has changed, which affects the function of the gene. Epigenetic abnormalities represented by DNA methylation are one of the emerging hotspots of international environmental and health research. Methylation is an epigenetic modification, and DNA methylation can turn off the activity of certain genes and is the main determinant of acquired gene silencing.
The research group used a group of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a community in Shanghai to monitor the exposure level of PM2.5 and its components in real time, and detected the respiratory tract inflammation index and related gene "NOS2A". DNA methylation levels. The results showed that PM2.5 could first pass the "NOS2A" coding gene, causing the DNA methylation level to decrease and the level of respiratory inflammation to increase. The health effects were mainly organic carbon, elemental carbon and nitric acid in PM2.5. Salt and ammonium salt ingredients.
It is reported that the research results can also provide clues for exploring the PM2.5 health hazard intervention program, such as reversing DNA methylation by supplementing methyl-rich foods such as vegetables and meat rich in folic acid and vitamin B12 during smog. To reduce the health damage of PM2.5.
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