Those who often look at traditional Chinese medicine will find that there are often several meridian maps on the wall of the consultation room. The dense points on the map are all points. The acupuncture points are also called acupoints, air acupoints, and gas palaces. The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic says: “The cavitation originates and each has a name†and records the names of 160 acupuncture points. There are 340 acupuncture points in the “Acupuncture and Moxibustion of the Acupuncture and the Bian Jing†in the Jin dynasty, and 361 acupuncture points in the current textbook. There are also about 52 single points, 300 double points, and 50 extra points in the human body. Acupuncture points. In fact, the human acupuncture points are far more than these.
The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic says: "The pain is the reason why you are sick," meaning that when a person has a disease, there will always be some tenderness points on the body's surface, and the internal organs or a certain tissue and organs will be sick, and may be on the corresponding surface. At some point, tenderness or paresthesia may occur. Pressing or acupuncturing these tender points can diagnose and treat diseases related to organs.
Sun Sikai, a great medical scientist of the Tang Dynasty, said in his book Qianjin Yaofang Volume 29: "Wu Xia has multiple lines of moxibustion. There is a law of agitation. At that point, without asking for holes, that is, either fast or painful, that is, the cloud is acupuncture, and the moxibustion and thorn are all tests.
According to legend, doctors used to treat patients in ancient times and have been exploring ways to treat diseases. Occasionally, she accidentally clicks on the patient and the patient's pain is relieved. Later the healer then met the patient and pressed on his body until the patient shouted, "Ah! It's here. It's here." So pressing or acupuncture or moxibustion at the site where the patient has tenderness or sensation, it turns the illness it is good. According to the patient's shout, these acupuncture points were named "Ashi Point" and Ashi Point was also called "Tian Ying Point."
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "there is something in the inside and the shape is seen in the outside," which means that the disease within the human body will inevitably be reflected on the body surface. The diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is based on this principle.
Initially, the ancients discovered that the treatment of acupoints on the disease can only be a one-to-one relationship, that is, a certain point can treat a certain disease, but with the accumulation of this experience, people gradually find that there is some connection between acupuncture points and acupuncture points.
In addition, the concept of ancient Chinese tradition is "combination of nature and humanity." The human body is itself a small universe. As the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" puts it, "The heavens and the earth are round and round. There are nine places in the area; there are nine people in the area; there are wind and rain, people have anger and joy; there are lightnings in the sky and people have voices; when there are four days, people have four limbs; there are five sounds in the sky, there are five internal organs; there are six laws in heaven, There are six people..."
There are rivers on the land, and there should be flowing ditches in the human body. Although the original anatomy is rough, it is also found that there are indeed many pipes in the human body, which further confirms the ancient people's delusions, so that the concept of meridians is formed. However, due to the scientific level at that time, the ancients did not really understand the direction of the various pipelines in the human body. They could only use these pipelines as a visual reference point for the meridians. The description of the structure and direction of meridians is based on the therapeutic effect of acupuncture points and After the acupuncture was transmitted through the sense of acupuncture and sensation, the discovery of the meridians has anatomical basis, but it is more of a sentiment.
This is a way of "speaking the way", that is, seeking for the inside, and it is achieved through a kind of cultivation practice peculiar to the Orientals.
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