First, unearthed time in the cold-buried areas, the grapes must be removed from the cold soil before the sap starts to flow to the buds, and the grapevines are planted and the grapevines are bound to the shelves. Unearthed roots have not yet started activities, branch shoots are easily drained; buds sprouted in the soil too late in the soil germination, when unearthed shelves easily knocked out, or buds have been yellow. After being unveiled, it is vulnerable to wind and sunburn. Artificially causing "eye blinking" and damage to the tree body and affecting the yield, it is very important to unearth it at the right time.
Due to the annual climate change, it is necessary to accurately grasp the timely date of excavation. The phenological period of some fruit trees may be used as an "indicator of the plant." Grapes can be unearthed based on years of cultivation experience. However, the climate changes every year. The period of excavation can be determined by using the phenological period of some fruit trees as the indicator plant. Generally, it is appropriate to remove the cold-proof material at the beginning of the flowering period of the local nectarine or the significant swelling of the apricot and other cultivars. The buds and sprouts of American grapevines and European and American hybrids are earlier than those of European grape varieties, and the date of exhumation should be 4-6 days earlier.
Second, the method of excavation to remove cold soil, usually vines bundled in the center of the planting hoe, first in the cold soil on both sides of the dumping soil, and then remove the coverings of the vines until the emergence of grape vines. After removing the cold-proof material, you must renovate the noodles.
In order to prevent the shoots from draining, the shoots will germinate neatly, and the shoots will be put on the ground for a few days after unearthing. When the buds begin to sprout, the shoots will be put on the shelves and evenly tied on the shelf to enter the normal growth period.
Third, the stent stent wire due to the last year of dendrite, fruit, wind and rain and other hazards, every year before the grape unearthed on the shelf must be repaired, tighten the wire, the tilt of the rack must be straightened tightly. Use traction anchor stone or side support to straighten or maintain the side columns; if there is wire rust, it needs to be replaced in time.
Fourth, clear roots use grafted seedlings planted in the vineyard, often occurs in the interface above the scion position new shoots, unearthed when the shelves should be ranch once inspection, all the main vine base should be completely clear the soil, try not to make the main man near the ground Prevent rooting. Once the roots of the scion are rooted, the roots of the rootstock will naturally die and the plants will become self-rooted, weakening the resistance. During the growing season, it should also be checked frequently and rooted in time.
Fifth, to prevent the grape injury injury, the flow of light will make the plant too much nutrient loss, resulting in debilitating tree vigor, buds dead, affecting growth, flowering and results, so that grape production decline; severe plant death.
In order to prevent the occurrence of wounds, do not prune before germination, and pay attention to the emergence of branches, farms, etc., in the various orchard agricultural operations before and after germination, to be especially careful and careful to avoid injury.
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