European Food Safety Authority "green light" for bisphenol A
February 02, 2015 Source: Jinghua Times
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Bisphenol A is a chemical widely used in the manufacture of plastics. Most of the internal coatings that are in contact with plastic packaging for foods and beverages in everyday life contain this substance.
The European Food Safety Authority 's panel of experts concluded that based on the new assessment results, the daily tolerance for bisphenol A can be significantly reduced, from the current 50 micrograms per kilogram body weight to 4 micrograms per kilogram body weight. However, this new bisphenol A standard still needs to wait for a long-term study of experimental mice to be determined.
According to the latest assessment report of the European Food Safety Authority, the intake of bisphenol A from a variety of mixed sources such as a single dietary source or diet, dust, cosmetics and thermal paper used for cashier receipts is still more than per kilogram of body weight. The daily tolerance for 4 micrograms is several times lower. This is also the first time the European Food Safety Authority has considered non-dietary sources of bisphenol A.
However, experts from the European Food Safety Authority stressed that high doses of bisphenol A may cause serious damage to the kidneys and liver, as well as adverse effects on the animal's mammary glands.
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