Cucumber flow plastic attention to disease prevention and treatment

The cucumber stalks of the greenhouses we planted have recently appeared plastic flow, and began to flow out of clear gums. After a few days, the colloids became yellowish, and the saplings quickly smashed. In previous years, cucumbers also appeared to flow from the stems and vines, but the onset time was mostly around the Spring Festival, not as early as this year. After the cucumber stalks are glued, when it is serious, the melon strips will also flow plastic. The melon strips will directly cause the cucumbers to lose their food value. The lighter ones will reduce the production by 20-30%, and the severe ones will lose production. What should I do?

Professor Zhang Lining of Qingdao Agricultural University: Although a variety of diseases may cause drips in cucumber stems, after field visits, we found that the cucumber stem scum flow reflected by these friends is mainly caused by cucumber disease, and should be given special attention by melon farmers. . Cucumber diseases mainly damage leaves, stems and melon strips, especially young stems and tender tips. Leaf disease was dark brown water immersed spots, and then extended to a nearly round large spot, lesions spread quickly when wet, often caused by the whole leaf rot, dry edges when the lesion is dark green, light brown middle, dry and easy to rupture. The affected parts of the stalks are immersed in water, dark green rot, and apparent contracture, resulting in fluid flow, causing wilting and dead leaves above the affected area, but the vascular bundle does not change color. If there are several diseased parts of the plant, the whole plant will soon become wilted and dry. Damage to melon strips occurs in water-stained dark green near-circular depressions. The disease develops rapidly when the humidity is high in the shed. The diseased part secretes milky white plastic, gradually amber, and then softens, softens, and sometimes grows white molds. , distributing bad smell. The optimum temperature of the disease is 25-30°C, so the temperature and humidity in the greenhouse are the decisive factors for the occurrence of the disease. Now that it has entered the winter season, the rain, fog, and snow have increased, which is conducive to the occurrence of cucumber diseases. Daily management has caused excessive watering. The soil is heavy and the organic manure is not ripened. The incidence of continuous cropping plots is particularly serious.

Prevention and cure of cucumber diseases should adopt methods combining agricultural control and chemical prevention.

Agricultural measures: Black seed pumpkin can be used as rootstock for grafting. The use of sorghum cultivation, covering the film, reducing the chance of infection of the plant pathogens. Avoid flooding and avoid high soil and air humidity. Remove the diseased plant when it is found.

Chemical control: can choose 64% antivirus WP 600 times, 25% metalaxyl WP 1000 times or 58% metalaxyl WP 800 times or 40% synergistic Wet powder 500 times Irrigation roots, 5-7 days 1 time, even irrigation 3 times.

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