Novartis's anti-inflammatory drug secukinumab has made a major breakthrough in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis

Novartis's anti-inflammatory drug secukinumab has made a major breakthrough in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis

September 26, 2014 Source: Bio Valley

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Pharmaceutical giant Novartis recently announced that the company's new generation of anti-inflammatory drug secukinumab has made breakthroughs in two clinical phase III studies of the treatment of psoriatic arthritis, which adds to the final listing of the drug. .

Secukinumab is an injectable antibody that blocks the effects of interleukin-17A, which plays an important role in the inflammatory process.

The two clinical phase III studies conducted by Novartis have participated in more than 1,000 patients. Clinical results show that secukinumab meets the primary and secondary endpoints expected by the researchers, and significantly inhibits the smear-like properties compared with the placebo group. The progression of arthritis prevents joint damage and keeps the skin clean. At the same time, Novartis also said that in the previous study, researchers have proved that the safety of this drug is also satisfactory.

Novartis expects to formally submit a listing request to the FDA and the European Union's medical management department next year. If there is no accident, secukinumab will officially enter the market in early 2015.

Novartis has long believed that its antibody technology can replace existing standard anti-TNF therapies such as Enbrel and Humira. The latter's efficacy is often diminished over time. It is for this reason that a new treatment continues to appear in the current market for psoriatic arthritis drugs, and Novartis hopes to take advantage of this opportunity to develop its strengths in this market.

However, Novartis does not necessarily become the last person to laugh, because more and more pharmaceutical companies are also there. This week, Celgene's anti-TNF therapy drug Otezla has been approved for marketing. In addition, the IL-17A inhibitor drug brodalumab developed by Amgen and AstraZeneca has also obtained a good clinical phase III study. At the same time, Johnson & Johnson and other companies also have their own representative work in this field. Therefore, who will become the winner of the last laugh, it will take time to test.

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