In spring, the temperature began to rise, and tomato root-knot nematode disease, wilt disease, and bacterial wilt gradually increased in greenhouses. These three disease symptoms are not easily distinguishable on the surface and help the majority of farmers to prescribe the right medicine.
One, tomato root knot nematode disease
Symptoms: Root-knot nematode disease mainly occurs on the fibrous roots and lateral roots of tomato. There is a small milky nematode in the root knot. The new roots will re-infect the disease and form root-knot neoplasms. The plant morphology is short, stunted, and even prematurely withered.
Control methods: First, strengthen field management. During the growth of tomato, field management should be strengthened, and reasonable fertilizer and water measures can enhance tomato disease resistance. When the root-knot nematode occurs, the sick body should be thoroughly treated and burned or buried deeply. The second is chemical control. In the sowing or planting, the point Shi Jian Bao fertilizer, Avi organic fertilizer, etc., can control the root knot nematode damage. In addition, it can also be used in the greenhouse leisure season, the use of lime nitrogen high-temperature stuffy shed or selected Bromide Thai strict disinfection.
Second, tomato wilt
Symptoms: Begin to perform more after colonization. At the early stage of disease, the leaves that are generally closer to the ground are yellowed, and finally they turn brown and die. The dead leaves mostly remain on the stems. The yellow leaves on one side of the stem and the leaves on the other side have normal color; there are also leaves on individual branches. One half of the yellow, the other half normal. When the disease is severe, the diseased leaves expand upward from the bottom, and only the top leaves are left behind. The rest are dead. The incidence of light, only yellow leaves from the ground near the leaves, the rest are normal, flowering, the results and healthy strains no difference. The roots of the diseased plants showed brown rot or local necrosis. Cut through the base of the stem to see the vascular yellow-brown. The main symptom of this disease is different from the bacterial wilt disease. The leaves of the plant are yellow after the disease is caused. When the disease is wet, the pink moldy material is often produced at the stem base.
Control methods: Rotate with pungent vegetables for 3~4 years, such as onion, garlic, etc.; select disease-free seeds, or soak them in warm water of 52°C for 30 minutes before sowing, or use 0.4% of 50% carbendazim Seedlings without disease; strengthen the management of sheds, increase ventilation and reduce soil temperature after the result; use 50% carbendazim 1000 times to irrigate the roots at the beginning of the disease, each irrigating 200 ml, filling every 7~10 days. Times, even irrigation 2 to 3 times.
Tomato bacterial wilt
Symptoms: From an external point of view, the most important feature of tomato bacterial wilt is the wilting of plants. In the case of tomato with wilting symptoms, if the stem base is opened, it can be clearly seen that the vascular bundle has become brown in color. It is precisely because these vascular bundles have been damaged, so that nutrients and water can not be transported upwards normally, will make the tomato appear wilting symptoms. If tomato green wilt is not treated in time, it will die after repeated wilting several times, causing great losses to vegetable farmers.
Control methods: To control tomato bacterial wilt, a better way is to use the agent to irrigate the roots, such as using DT plus neemectin or agricultural streptomycin plus rooting agent. In the case of rooting with a drug, the above-mentioned agent can be used for protective spraying on tomatoes that are not affected. Tomato plants that have died of the disease cannot be disposed of in a greenhouse. They should be buried deep outside the greenhouse and disinfected at the same time. Bacterial wilt can be transmitted through running water. Flooding and flooding can quickly spread and spread bacterial wilt. Therefore, greenhouses with symptoms of dead trees must not be flooded. At the same time, proper spraying of some plant growth regulators or foliar fertilizers can effectively promote the recovery of tomato plants, such as Fengshui No.1, Yunda 120, and Duoxin. Pay attention to the application of nitrogen less fertilizer, apply more organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, in order to enhance the disease resistance of plants.
All three diseases can cause wilting of the affected tomato plants. The diseased stems were cut and placed in transparent glass filled with clear water. If there is bacterial wilt that overflows mucous, blightless wilt overflows. In the early stage of root knot nematode damage, the aboveground plants grew poorly. The leaves were smaller than those of the normal plants, and the roots of the underground fibrous roots were reduced. Some nematodes could form "beaded" worms on the fibrous roots; some nematodes were found in the main and lateral roots. Cortical foraging harm at the junction leads to loose cortical tissue.
Easily identify tomato diseases in early spring greenhouses, reduce damage to tomatoes and increase yield and quality.
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