The correct method for feeding livestock and poultry

Dragonflies, also known as earthworms, Qufu, or Quzhou snakes, contain very rich nutrients, especially high protein content, and are good animal feed for livestock and poultry. It can promote more long meat and more eggs for livestock and poultry, but if it is not properly fed, it will also cause animal diseases and cause losses. Therefore, be careful when feeding quails.
Pork can transmit tuberculosis and asthma in pigs. The nematodes responsible for porcine lung roundworm disease include roundworm, roundworm, and roundworm nematodes, and ticks are intermediate hosts for the transmission of the three nematodes. A larva that can carry hundreds of nematodes can cause great harm. The larvae of lung mites are also accompanied by pig asthma, which can cause pigs to become infected with asthma at the same time. This is a double infection and is more harmful.
Cockroaches can transmit 4 parasitic diseases to poultry. The first is tracheal nematode disease. One chicken farm used Daping No. 2 to feed chickens. All 122 chickens were affected and 71 were dead, which was caused by the spread of tracheal nematode disease. The second is ringworm nematode disease. The parasite is parasitized in the chicken's esophagus or hernia sac, causing malnutrition, thinness, anemia, and severe failure. The third is chicken spinosad. Parasite parasitic in the cecum, causing indigestion, loss of appetite, diarrhea, thin, chicken is not developed, decreased egg production. The fourth is wedge-shaped tapeworm disease. Parasite parasitic in the duodenum in chickens, causing a dramatic loss of appetite, indigestion, diarrhea, weight loss, resulting in neurological symptoms. All four parasitic diseases can be transmitted by ticks.
One of the measures for the prevention of tick-borne diseases is that fleas must be quarantined. All eggs, cysts, or larvae of parasites must be disposed of immediately and must not be left for seed use. Second, it is strictly forbidden to use feeds from untreated livestock and poultry to feed quail. Third, the worm's eggs, cysts, and cysts are afraid of high temperatures. Therefore, when feeding livestock and poultry, they must be thoroughly heated and must not be fed. Even if it is dead, the eggs in the body are not dead, so be sure to heat it. Fourth, once the above diseases are found in livestock and poultry, they must be strictly isolated immediately to prevent proliferation. The fifth is to regularly quarantine livestock and poultry so that timely measures can be taken.

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