First, natural pasture. There are Gramineae, Leguminosae, Compositae, Cyperaceae, and Polygonaceae. In the booting, budding stage, and early flower harvesting, it is appropriate to use pastures. At this time, forages are in a period of vigorous growth, young and juicy, with high protein content, and can be up to 15% or more on a dry matter basis. Such grasses are soft, with less crude fiber and lignin, good palatability, easy digestion, and high nutritional value. Which contains a variety of vitamins, phosphorus and calcium, grass production is also high. In particular, natural pastures have a fast lignification and a low digestibility; the older the pasture is, the greater the amount of grass produced, but the lower vitamin content.
Second, leafy feed. The leaves of fruits and legumes that are not eaten but abandoned by humans are of various types, have a wide variety of sources, and are large in number. They are worthy of attention as a class of green feed, especially the leaves of legumes have high nutritional value and protein content. The vines and seedlings of crops generally have high crude fiber content and are not suitable for feeding chickens. They can be used as feed for pigs and ruminants. Such as cabbage, cabbage, spinach, etc., these leafy vegetables feed, after chopping or beating can feed goose, chickens, etc., due to high moisture content of leafy food, feeding amount should not be too large, generally accounted for about 10%.
Third, aquatic feed. Including freshwater and marine green fodder, feeding aquatic feed, it is necessary to periodically repel insects to prevent parasitic infections. Mainly water lettuce, water hyacinth, water peanuts and arbor etc. Water lettuce and water hyacinth, high yield (375000 ~ 750000 kg / ha water surface), fresh texture, good palatability, nutrient-rich, easy to digest, chopped pulp or silage feeding goose and other birds. Aquatic peanuts have a rapid reproduction and high yield (375,000 kg/ha water surface), which is much colder than water lettuce and water hyacinths. The feeding method is the same as that of water lettuce.
Fourth, green leaf fodder. The branches, leaves, pods, fruits, and skins of trees and shrubs that grow in forests, river valleys, and fields, etc., can be harvested from silage or crushed and processed into feed. Good palatability has mulberry leaves, loquat leaves, loquat leaves and so on. Most leaves of pine leaves, poplar leaves, eucalyptus leaves and so on contain a lot of protein and various vitamins, and it is very good to feed other livestock and poultry with other feeds.
5. Non-amyloid root rhizome and melon feed. Roots, tubers, melons, stems and leaves of the melons, cultivated bitter buckwheat, root vegetables, and feeding cabbages are fresh, succulent, and have good palatability. They are good green fodder for pigs, chickens, and other livestock and poultry. Their common features are low crude fiber content, high nitrogen-free extract content, sweet taste, high carotene content, and prolactin action. Feeding lactating animals can increase milk yields, such as carrots and pumpkins. Feeding should control a certain amount of feed to prevent diarrhea; rotten spoilage can not be used to prevent nitrite poisoning.
The greenhouse a filled with equipment like hydroponic, irrigation, auxiliary lighting ,temperature and humidity control and also may be automatically controlled by a computer to maximize potential growth.
Hydroponics can be used to make the most use of the interior space. The relatively closed environment of a greenhouse has its own unique management requirements, compared with outdoor production. Pests and diseases, and extremes of heat and humidity, have to be controlled, and irrigation is necessary to provide water. Most greenhouses use sprinklers or drip lines. Significant inputs of heat and light may be required, particularly with winter production of warm-weather vegetables.
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