Acquired infertility and symptomatic infertility. This is one of the most common, such as females suffering from chronic endometritis, ovarian incompetence and atrophy, ovarian cysts, persistent corpus luteum, vaginitis, and the occurrence of fetal decomposing abortion. In addition, some medical and surgical diseases can also cause infertility. Second, nutritional infertility. Maternal animals are overweight or overweight, poor feed quality, and lack of certain minerals and vitamins. Third, the use of infertility. Excessive employment, too much milk in the mother's stock, etc. Fourth, climate infertility. Maternal long-term feeding, lack of sunshine.
Congenital infertility includes interspecific hybridization, hermaphroditism (fetal and male genitalia on one carcass), metamorphosis of female (female on appearance but complete male genitalia), congenital reproductive tract abnormalities ( Single uterus or no uterine cavity, no ovaries, closed cervix, no cervix, double cervix, two cervix excisions, excessive vaginal valve development, etc.).
Aging infertility The infertility of livestock is old during the old age period. Generally, the mare is 17 to 25 years old, the cow is 15 to 20 years old, the ewe is 6 to 9 years old, and the pig is 6 to 8 years old. Individuals who have had early terminations of fertility may be pathological.
Infertility is caused by artificially infertile maternal stocks that are not suitable for ovulation (premature or late), ovulation examinations are not performed prior to mating, and breeding of sires by females after breeding several times a day may result in infertility.
Amitraz is a potent miticide for veterinary fields for the control of susceptible ticks, fleas and lice including organophosphorus and synthetic pyrethroid resistant strains on cattle and mange on pigs.
For external use only.
Cattle : 1000 ml. Intraz-125 EC per 500 litres of water.
: Cattle ticks (Boophilus microplus). Treat at intervals of 19-21 days.
: New Zealand Cattle ticks (Haemaphysalis longicornis).Treat at intervals of 7-21 days.
: Paralysis ticks (Ixodes holocyclus). Treat at intervals of 7-10 days.
Pigs : 1000 ml. Intraz-125 EC per 250 litres of water.
: Mange (Sarcoptes scabiei var suis.)
Critical Comments:
Cattle : Spray cattle with a minimum of 10 litres for hand sprays and 4 litres for recirculating spays.
Pigs : Remove feed and bedding from pens. Cover drinking bowls and clean out pen. Spray pigs with minimum of 2 ltr. spray wash, especially inside ears and legs, under jowls and areas covered by scabs. Replace discarded bedding with clean material. Repeat treatment after 7-10 days. Two treatments at 7-10 days are recommended for sows and gilts before entering farrowing pens, for piglets at weaning, and for pigs newly bought into the piggery. Boars should be treated every 3 months.
Amitraz Solution,Amitraz Medicine,Amitraz Shampoo,Amitraz Solution For Dogs
Hebei Kexing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ,