Recently, watermelon fruit spot disease occurred in Funan County, Hebei Province. The disease belongs to the national plant quarantine pest and is a bacterial disease. In addition to watermelons, it can also infect melons, pumpkins, cucumbers, zucchini, etc. Prevention methods are as follows:
1. Selection of disease-resistant cultivars showed that the degree of susceptibility among cultivars differed significantly. In areas with severe disease, the original susceptible cultivars should be replaced, and disease-resistant cultivars should be replanted. For example, triploids were more resistant than diploid organisms. Dark green is lighter than disease resistance. The new Hongbao variety has a higher degree of disease.
2. The seed treatment method is to ferment seeds for 24 to 48 hours after sowing with juice and pulp, and then soak seeds in 1% hydrochloric acid for 5 minutes (or soak in 1% calcium hypochlorite for 15 minutes) immediately after Wash with water and air dry. This method can kill the germs on the seeds. Before sowing, the seeds were soaked in 1% pots for 20 minutes and rinsed with fresh water for 20 minutes, then air-dried and sowed.
3. Rotational crops This is a simple and effective measure to control many pests and diseases. The longer the year of rotation, the better the control effect. In particular, the occurrence of fruit spot disease in the plot, but not even continuous cropping.
4. To strengthen the management of the implementation of the autumn deep-lying areas, the diseased bodies, wild hosts and bacteria, etc. into the depths of the soil or destroy its living environment, in order to reduce the number of bacteria, reduce the chance of infection. Set the airway and plant a thick-textured muskmelon. Before planting, dig a groove 30 cm wide and 40 cm deep at the bottom of the planting hole. Spread 15-20 cm thick straw at the bottom of the groove, cover the soil, and increase the root area. Breathability, improve plant disease resistance. Soil preparations, diseased fruits, weeds and wild host plants, especially cucurbits, are cleared during site preparation. Disinfect agricultural tools to kill germs. Use pipe irrigation such as drip irrigation or hoses to avoid spray irrigation, top irrigation, etc. to reduce the spread of germs.
5. Chemicals prevent diseases in the field, spray control with antibiotics. Antibiotics can use agricultural streptomycin, tetracycline and other agents, spraying at the early stage of disease, according to the weather and the incidence of disease every 7-10 days to spray a drug. In heavy fields or areas, when entering the rainy season, we must begin to spray 30% basic copper sulfate suspension Jing 400-500 times fluid or 47% Garnett's wettable powder 800 times fluid, 56% slope water dispersion before the onset of the disease. Micro-granules 600-800 times liquid, 50% diclofenac copper (DT) fungicide 500 times, 77% can kill wettable microparticle powder 500 times, 30% copper oxychloride suspension 800 times, Spray 60 liters of liquid per acre, once every 10 days or so.
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