Nepenthes Leigong pot

Scientific name: Nepenthesmirabilis

Alias: Lei Gonghu

Family genus:

It is an evergreen grass plant of the genus Nepenthes and Nepenthes.

Morphological characteristics:

Leaves alternate, oblong, entire, midrib extended to tendrils, and a leaflet cage at the end. The leaf cage is in the shape of a vial with a thick edge and a small lid. When it grows, the lid opens and cannot be closed. Cage color is mainly green, with brown or red spots and stripes, and it is very beautiful. The inner wall of the cage is smooth, and the bottom of the cage can secrete mucus and digestive fluid. There is odor to attract small animals. Once the small animal is in the cage, it is difficult to escape and it is finally digested and absorbed. Dioecious, raceme inflorescence, with 3 to 4 sepals, no petals, stamens 4-24, connate, to upper room, 4 rooms. Fruit, seed most.


In Guangdong Province of China, tropical Asia has a distribution. In the Kalimantan Island, Indonesia, the elevation is 2,500 to 3,300 m. A special image of Nepenthes has been found.

The origin is mostly swampy land, often accompanied by aquatic grasses or sparse shrubs.

Ecological habits:

Slightly shade and relatively moist environment, keep the temperature no lower than 18°C, and the optimum growth temperature is 22-30°C. Not cold. Shade when the sun is strong. Good growth in high humidity or foggy environments.

It is better to cultivate soil with loose, fertile leafless soil or peat soil. Nepenthes should be planted with hanging pots, so that the leaf cage trap naturally hangs to show its beautiful style.

Nepenthes are dioecious. After they have matured, they are inflorescences from the leafhoppers, bloomy flowers, small flowers, red or purple, and seed after flowering. Most of the pitcher plants are bred with seeds, and they can also be propagated using the cutting blade method.

How Nepenthes trap insects The pitcher cages of Nepenthes are brightly coloured, with nectaries distributed around their mouths, emitting aromas and attracting insects with "color" and "sweetness." When the insect enters the cage, its inner wall is very smooth, and the insects will slide to the bottom of the cage. The bottom of the cage is filled with the weak acid digestive juice secreted by the inner wall cells. Once the insects fall into the bottom of the cage, they will be drowned by the digestive fluid and slowly be digested by the digestive juice and eventually become nutrients and be absorbed.

Garden use:

Nepenthes is a representative carnivorous plant.

About 70 species belong to the same genus and are mostly found in humid tropical forests such as the Indian Ocean Islands, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia.

There is one species in southern Guangdong. Nepenthes are dwarf plants with unusual shapes and are suitable for hanging potted plants or wooden frames. They are ideal for embellishing homes.

The Beijing Botanical Garden and many botanical gardens in South China use it as a novel ornamental plant for visits and plant instruction.

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