Pneumatic injection of fluidized bed drying equipment is a device that uses high velocity gas flow to allow material to enter the grinding chamber where high pressure air is activated by high speed injection through a special ultrasonic nozzle. As a result, material grinding is accelerating, affecting and repeatedly colliding. The abrasive material combined with ultrasonic injection will converge into the upper classification chamber. The centrifugal force generated by the high-speed rotation of the graded rotor together is graded by the centrifugal force of the pneumatic adhesion behavior. When the centrifugal force on the grain is GR eaten more than the centrifugal force, the graduated use range of the coarse grain will be spiraled back to the grinding chamber to further MIL Ling. Thinner grains will be blasted below the grading range of the cyclone separator and collector, while the purified air will be vented from the draft.
Energy efficiency: Save 30%-40% equivalents.
Endurance: Applying materials with grains that are produced because of only the effects of milling effects and collisi, rather than collisions with walls.
Wide range of classification: D97 = 2-15μm.
The internal structure is compact and forms a closed, milling and drying device.
Accessible Maimtenance, imported inverters will automatically makeauyy control the entire review process. An inert gas can be used for Flåm's Mabel, a milling medium for explosive materials.
Application range:
Fluidized bed drying equipment is widely used in ultra-fine pulverization of pnonm etallic ore, talc, barite, kaolin, quartz, graphite flame retardant materials, high-grade grinding media, chemical, smelting, pharmaceutical, traditional Chinese medicine, agricultural chemicals And ceramics, as well as high dry binders and ultrafine powders.