Two rabbit hair storage methods

Rabbit hair storage should be "three avoidance": First, to avoid storage in plastic bags; Second, to avoid high temperatures and long exposure; Third, to avoid prolonged stress. The correct storage method for two kinds of rabbit hair is introduced.

First, the box storage: Select a dry wooden box or carton, cover the bottom of a layer of white glossy paper, a thin layer of dry lime at the bottom, and then cover with paper; , and then the rabbit hair into different levels into the box, put it to about 20 cm thick, light pressure, and in the box to select four points each put a camphor ball. After each 20 cm thick, press it lightly and place several mothball bags. After the box is full, put a few more mothball pouches on it. Can be stamped and stored in a dry place 60 cm above the ground. Every 15 days, choose to open the cover for 2-3 hours on a sunny day. If it is found that the rabbit hair is moist and mildewy, the rabbit hair should be removed from the sun for 1-2 hours and then allowed to dry for 4-5 hours. After the rabbit hair is dried, it is stored in boxes.

Second, the cylinder storage: Select a clean and dry cylinder (can not use the salted cargo cylinder), put a lime block at the bottom of the cylinder, and then put a 3 cm thick circular board near the bottom of the cylinder, and then spread a white The paper, paper around the center and put on the camphor pouch, then the rabbit hair according to the box storage method cylinder, filled with a piece of clean gauze after the top, put a few more mothballs on the cloth, you can stamped preservation. The same as tank storage should be checked once every 15 days. (He Chengsheng)

Rice Huller With Polisher

The SB Rice Milling Unit is a kind of comprehensive equipment. Rice goes into machine via vibrating screen (removing stones) and magnet unit (removing little piece of steel), and then pass through hulling room (remove the yellow husks), winnowing room, milling room (remove the brown chaff, and then become white rice), and blowing room in turn. The machine can complete all the processing works from cleaning grain, hulling grain to milling rice. As to husk, chaff, blighted grain, as well as polished rice, they are all pushed out of machine separately. Furthermore, we add a jet blower near the outlet of finished white rice; it not only can drop down the temperature of white rice, but also can separate chaff from the white rice, and make the finished rice much clear.

This Rice Huller with Rice Polisher is a comprehensive expression for all the good qualities of varied kinds of rice-processing machines. For instance, it is arranged with a comprehensive view of situation and is designed rationally. Its structure is compact and well organized. It is of less noise and can be easily operated and reliably regulated. Rice after processed consists of less chaff and few of them are damaged (broken). The neatness of such rice may be up to above standard. It consumes less power and is efficient in work. It is indeed Combined Rice Milling of a new generation.







Capacity( on paddy)





Matched motor

5.5 Kw




Matched diesel engine

8-10 Hp

15 Hp

20-24 Hp

30Hp or above






Net weight

130 Kg

230 Kg



White Rice Huller

Rice Huller With Polisher

Rice Huller With Polisher,Rice Huller,Grain Corn Huller,Paddy Huller