Binding and "illuminating" the three tracers of Tau protein tangles in the brain to help diagnose Alzheimer's disease
December 12, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily Author: Liu Haiying
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Alzheimer's disease is characterized by the appearance of two abnormal protein structures in the brain, namely amyloid plaques and entangled fibers formed by Tau proteins. At present, one of the major challenges facing the disease research is the inability to observe the development of these structures in real time. As a relatively advanced clinical imaging technique, PET is of great value in the diagnosis and treatment of brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, and the development of a tracer with excellent results can make this examination more accurate, thus helping to promote disease. Diagnosis and treatment effect.
In the study, the researchers tested about 550 potential tracer molecules and finally identified the three most promising C-RO-963, C-RO-643 and F-18 RO948, and It was tested as a Tau protein PET radiopharmaceutical and tested in Alzheimer's patients and healthy volunteers. The results show that these tracers do not substantially remain in the brains of healthy volunteers, but they enhance the PET imaging of brains in patients with Alzheimer's disease, labeling the Tau protein range of different patients, and showing amyloid and Tau. The difference in protein pattern in the region. Further studies on F-18 RO948 have shown that the tracer does not randomly bind to other tissues, and it is more clear to the Tau protein in the human brain than the currently used Tau protein tracer F-18 AV1451. The load is quantified.
The researchers pointed out that Alzheimer's disease is one of the biggest public health challenges facing countries. There is no cure and the diagnosis is limited. The new study provides a promising diagnostic tool that is important for addressing the diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
Related research papers were published in the recent Journal of Nuclear Medicine.
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