The study found that an osteoporosis drug can be used to treat hair loss
May 09, 2018 Source: Xinhuanet
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Some patients who had received a hair transplant had donated a useless scalp hair follicle. Experiments conducted by the Nathan Hawkshaw team at the University of Manchester's Dermatology Research Center have shown that the drug "WAY-316606" for the treatment of osteoporosis has the effect of stimulating the development of scalp hair follicles.
Xieding is more common in men. In addition to hair transplantation, the current commonly used treatments are only "mididrol" and "festramide", but the effect is often less than ideal, with some side effects.
Previous studies have found that cyclosporine-A, an immunosuppressive drug used to treat transplant rejection and autoimmune diseases, promotes hair growth, but cannot be directly used to treat hair loss due to serious side effects.
The Hawker team performed a full-gene expression analysis of the cyclosporine-A-treated scalp hair follicle and found that the drug inhibited the expression of "secreted curly-associated protein 1", which inhibits hair follicles. The development of many tissues.
They subsequently discovered that the drug "WAY-316606", which treats osteoporosis, has the same mechanism as "cyclosporin-A" and antagonizes "secreted curly-associated protein 1", thereby relieving this human body's inhibition of hair growth. "Molecular gate".
The researchers said that the topical drug is expected to have the same effect as "cyclosporin-A" but has no side effects. They also need to conduct further clinical trials to determine if the drug or similar compound is safe and effective for the treatment of hair loss. (Reporter Zhou Zhou)
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