Biosafety cabinets effective cleaning and cleaning methods

Biosafety cabinets will inevitably have various kinds of pollution during use. How to effectively clean and clean the biosafety cabinet ?

When first removing the contamination of Class I and Class II biosafety cabinets, use equipment that allows formaldehyde gas to occur, circulate, and neutralize independently. Appropriate amount of paraformaldehyde (0.8% final concentration in air) should be placed in a long-handled pan on the hot plate (controlled outside the biosafety cabinet). The ammonium bicarbonate containing 10% more than paraformaldehyde is then placed in another long-handled pan (controlled outside the biosafety cabinet). Place the pan on the second heating plate outside the cabinet, and connect the heating plate to the plug outside the safety cabinet to control the operation of the plate through the switch power plug outside the cabinet when needed.

If the relative humidity is less than 70%, place an open container with hot water inside the safety cabinet before sealing the front closure panel with a strong tape [such as duct tape]. If there is no closing plate at the front, you can use a large piece of plastic cloth to cover the front opening and the vent to ensure that the gas does not leak into the room. At the same time, the through hole of the power supply line passing through the front closing plate shall be sealed with duct tape.

Plug the heating plate with the paraformaldehyde pan into the plug to turn on the power. When the paraformaldehyde is completely evaporated, the plug is removed to power off, and the biosafety cabinet is allowed to stand for 6 hours. Then plug the plug on the heating plate with the second pan to energize the ammonium bicarbonate. Then unplug the power plug and turn on the biosafety cabinet twice, each time for about 2 seconds to allow the ammonium bicarbonate gas to circulate. The biosafety cabinet should be allowed to stand for 30 minutes before removing the front closure plate (or plastic sheet) and the vent flap. The residue on the surface of the biosafety cabinet should be wiped off before use.

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