Loach Seedling Culture Technology During the production of loach seedlings, the food has used spirulina powder, dry algae powder, chilled moniliform algae, or yeast, and the direct culture of fresh unicellular algae is essential for loach seedlings. The most important high-quality bait is an important factor in the growth and metamorphosis of the seedlings, which is directly related to the success or failure of the seedlings, and has the function of protecting and improving the water quality during the seedling raising process. The cultivation techniques are summarized below. I. Preservation culture 1. Species The microalgae used as bait for loach seedlings are mainly golden algae, flat algae and chaetoceros. The single-celled gold algae such as Zhanjiang forked algae and Isochrysis galbana are small in size, have no cell walls, are slow to swim, easily ingested, and have high protein content, but are easily contaminated and have a fast aging; Sex, phototaxis. It is easy to cultivate in large quantities and is successfully used in a variety of shellfish nursery. Chaetoceros is resistant to high temperatures and has a long duration of growth. Therefore, gold algae is often used as a diet for the early stage of loach seedlings, after which, Platycladis, Chaetoceros, and Chrysophyta are mixed and fed. In addition, Skeletonema costatum, Heterococcus sp., Chlorella vulgaris, and Chlorophyceae are important supplements. 2. Methods The separation method of the unicellular algae includes capillary pipette rewashing method, spray method, agar plate separation method, water drop method, dilution method and the like. The isolated unicellular algae are preserved and expanded. The container is a 500-5000 ml conical flask and a 5,000-20,000 ml wide-mouth bottle. The conical flask can directly boil the sea water. Algae must be selected for good growth and vigor, microscopic examination is free of other contaminating species, zooplankton, and protozoa. The seawater used for cultivation is boiled sterile seawater. The preparation of the culture solution is based on the different nutritional requirements of the cultured algae and the selection of different formulations. Currently, MAV-based formulations can be added to use indoor scattered light or fluorescent lamps as light sources. The daily management is mainly microscopic examination, inoculation and shaking . Second, the indoor small-scale training (hanging bag culture) culture container for polyethylene film bags, use ordinary seedling bags 15-25 liters or 150 liters of polyethylene long bags. In recent years, 50 liters of white polyethylene barrels have been widely used. They are not easily damaged or leaked, and are easy to disinfect or be used for many years. Easy operation such as inoculation or feeding, barrel light uniformity, heat preservation and so on. In addition, the use of plexiglass or glass boxes, such as 1.8 meters high, 0.5 meters in diameter, a simple photobioreactor with a capacity of 300 liters, can automatically control the temperature, control light, and inflate, may also be a simple and easy The high-yield training method, supplemented by artificial light sources, is used as a semi-continuous supplement in adverse climate conditions. The above bags, barrels, and boxes are generally placed in a white glass steel nursery room or placed in a fiberglass room that is specially designed for hanging bags. Therefore, it is also called bagging culture to replace the traditional way of culturing between first-level and second-level cultures. Using a large blower or small electric air pump in a nursery room, such as a 135W air pump, it can inflate 20-40 bags, or about 10 barrels. In a certain culture time, the inflation is positively related to the growth rate. Intermittent inflation is better than half-day half-day inflation. In addition, adding antibiotics is good for growth and preservation. The methods for accelerating the cultivation of monocytic algae include: increasing the aeration rate; increasing the ratio of inoculated algae solution to the culture solution, from 1 to 10 to 1 to 3 or 2. In a suitable temperature range, the temperature is appropriately increased to increase the illumination; Increase the concentration of nutrient salts, and apply fertilizers and other appropriate amounts of culture fluid several times. On the contrary, the growth rate can be slowed by reducing the above conditions, especially light and warm air inflation. Third, the large pool culture adopts open culture. The culture pool can be tiled pool, concrete pool, or even earthen pond, covered with plastic cloth or fiberglass tile. The pool is 0.6-1.8 meters high. The operation is simple, the investment and production cost are low, but it is difficult to control the culture conditions, the environment and biological pollution cannot be controlled, and it is difficult to achieve single cultivation. The algae were grown in hanging bags and had a good growth rate of 1:10 to 1:3. Afterwards, the culture medium is added according to the growth conditions. The culture pool is generally cleaned with bleaching powder and potassium permanganate and then used for cultivation. For example, the new pool should be soaked until it can be used without alkaline leaching. The culture water is stored, dark precipitated, filtered, bleached and then treated with sodium thiosulfate. The bottom centimeter of water is discarded. The upper layer of water can be used for cultivation. Traditionally, KI is used to check whether there is residual chlorine. With pure blue ink is more simple and feasible. Take a cup of seawater to be inspected and drip a drop of pure blue ink. If you keep the original color, it means there is no residual chlorine in the water. If it turns brown, it means that there is still residual chlorine. The addition of nutrients for different algae, there are certain changes in the culture period, generally with urea 10-30ppm, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 5-10ppm, ferrous sulfate 1-2ppm, EDTA5ppm, diatoms should be added 1-2ppm sodium silicate . Inflatable culture is beneficial to accelerating the growth rate of algae, shortening the cultivation period, and preventing aging. However, algae pool inflation is often connected with the inflating of nursery ponds. The siphoning caused by stopping the gas and changing the air causes a variety of pollution in the gas-filled pipeline. This is the cause of algae pond pollution. One of the important ways. We have designed a gas-conditioning filter cartridge that completely eliminates the pollution Ludong design that comes from the aeration. This device is simple and feasible. The trials at the Donggang Nursery Factory and several nearby houses are working well. Antibiotics have a certain effect on prolonging the duration of culture of algae. In addition, the use of single-celled algae after freezing, cold storage, dried algae powder, scraping seabed with benthic diatoms, and application of natural seawater to micro-algae microalgae are all supplements. Insufficient methods for the cultivation of monocytic algae.
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