In recent years, the taxonomic research of microbial systems has developed rapidly, and the taxonomic status of many microorganisms has changed and migrated. A large number of new taxonomic units have also appeared each year. On the basis of the 1999 edition of the Dictionary of English Names of Bacterial Names and the 2011 edition of the Dictionary of Bacterial Names and Classifications, we collected the names of bacteria and fungi that have been published since March 2010, and refer to the previous Chinese translation specifications. The name of the Chinese is given in the form of “Search List of English Names of New Microbial Species†to facilitate the use of standardized microbial Chinese names by microbiology research and application workers.
1) Sphingomonas morindae (Liu et al. IJSEM. 2015, 65: 2817; Type strain: NBD5 = CICC 10879) NL masc. adj. morindae belongs to Morinda citrifolia (Noni), is a plant variety used in the production of healthy food , from which the type strain was isolated. Sphingomonas
2) Paenibacillus zeae (Liu et al. IJSEM. 2015, 65: 4533; Type strain: 6R2 = CICC 23860) L. gen. n. zeae, of spelt, of Zea mays, referring to its isolation from corn (Zea mays L .). Bacillus corn bacterium
3) Brachybacterium hainanense (Liu et al. IJSEM. 2015, 65: 4196; Type strain: NR2 = CICC 10874) NL neut. adj. hainanense of Hainan, China, from where the type strain was isolated.
4) Paenibacillus hunanensis (Liu et al. IJSEM. 2010, 60: 1266; Type strain: FeL05 = CICC 10489) NL masc. adj. hunanensis of Hunan, a province in China, from where the first strains were isolated. Bacillus
5) Luteimonas huabeiensis (Wu et al. IJSEM. 2013, 63: 3352; Type strain: HB2 = CICC 11005s) NL fem. adj. huabeiensis of or belonging to Huabei, China, from where the type strain was isolated. Monocytogenes
6) Thermoactinomyces daqus (Yao et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 206; Type strain: H-18 = CICC10681) NL masc. adj. daqus voting to Daqu, a starter culture used in the production of Chinese liquors, from which the Type strain was isolated.
7) Lactobacillus apinorum (Olofsson et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 3109; Type strain: Fhon13N = DSM 26257) NL masc. pl. n. Apini scientific zoological name of a tribe including only the genus Apis and referring to honeybees; Gen. masc. pl. n. apinorum of the Apini, referring to the isolation of strains of this species from honeybees in northern Sweden but also originating from other Apis species.
8) Lactobacillus apis (Killer et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 152; Type strain: R4B = LMG 26964) L. gen. fem. n. apis, of/from a honey bee, the genus name of the true honey bee Apis mellifera L., referring to the insect host of the first strains.
9) Lactobacillus backii (Tohno IJSEM. et al. 2013, 63: 3854; Type strain: JCM 18665 = DSM 18080) NL gen. n. backii, of Back, named in honour of Werner Back, who contributed to the general classification of Beer-spoiling bacteria and brewing microbiology.
10) Lactobacillus bombi (Killer et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 2611; Type strain: BTLCH M1/2 = DSM 26517) L. n. bombus, a boom, a deep hollow noise, buzzing, and also the zoological genus name Of the bumblebee; NL gen. n. bombi of Bombus, of a bumblebee.
11) Lactobacillus bombicola (Praet et al. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2015, 107: 1337; Type strain: LMG 28288 = DSM 28793) L. n. bombus, a boom, a deep hollow noise, buzzing, also the zoological genus name of The bumble bee; L. suf. -cola, (derived from incola, inhabitant) dwelling, occurring in; NL n. bombicola, occurring in Bombus.
12) Lactobacillus curieae (Lei et al. IJSEM. 2013, 63: 2501; Type strain: CCTCC M 2011381 = JCM 18524) NL fem. gen. n. curieae of Curie, named after Marie Curie, a role model for female scientists. Lactobacillus
13) Lactobacillus faecis (Endo et al. IJSEM. 2013, 63: 4502; Type strain: AFL13-2 = DSM 23956) L. n. faex, faecis, faeces; L. gen. n. faecis, of faeces. Bacillus
14) Lactobacillus floricola (Kawasaki et al. IJSEM. 2011, 61: 1356; Type strain: Ryu1-2 = DSM 23037) L. n. flos -oris, a flower; L. suff. -cola (from L. n. Incola), a dweller; NL n. floricola, flower-dweller.
15) Lactobacillus florum (Endo et al. IJSEM. 2010, 60: 2478; Type strain: F9-1 ​​= DSM 22689) L. n. flos -oris, flower; L. gen. pl. n. florum, of flowers, From which the type strain was isolated.
16) Lactobacillus formosensis (Chang et al. IJSEM. 2015, 65: 101; Type strain: S215 = NBRC 109509) NL masc. adj. formosensis, of or favoring to Formosa (Taiwan). Lactobacillus falciparum
17) Lactobacillus furfuricola (Irisawa et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 2902; Type strain: Nu 27 = DSM 27174) L. n. furfur, rice bran; L. suff. -cola (from L. n. incola), Dweller, inhabitant; NL n. furfuricola, rice bran-dweller.
18) Lactobacillus heilongjiangensis (Gu et al. IJSEM. 2013, 63: 4094; Type strain: S4-3 = LMG 26166) NL masc. adj. heilongjiangensis, kissing to the Heilongjiang River, a river flowing through Heilongjiang Province of China, where The bacterium was first isolated.
19) Streptococcus danieliae (Clavel et al. Arch. Microbiol. 2013, 195: 43; Type strain: ERD01G = DSM 22233) NL gen. fem. n. danieliae, of Daniel, named after professor Hannelore Daniel, in recognition of her research Achievements in the field of gut physiology.
20) Streptococcus hongkongensis (Lau et al. IJSEM. 2013, 63: 2570; Type strain: HKU30 = DSM 26014) NL masc. adj. hongkongensis of or belonging to Hong Kong, the place where the type strain was isolated.
21) Streptococcus lactarius (MartÃn et al. IJSEM. 2011, 61: 1048; Type strain: MV1 = DSM 23027) L. masc. adj. lactarius, of or belonging to milk, referring to the isolation of the first strains from human breast Milk. Streptococcus mutans
22) Streptococcus caprae (Vela et al. IJSEM. 2016, 66: 196; Type strain: DICM07-02790-1C = CCUG 67170) L. gen. n. caprae, of the goat.
23) Streptococcus cuniculi (Vela et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 2486; Type strain: NED12-000496b = CCUG 65085) L. gen. n. cuniculi, of the rabbit. Streptococcus suis
24) Streptococcus moroccensis (Kadri et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 2480; Type strain: LMG 27682 = CCMM B831) NL masc. adj. moroccensis, affecting to Morocco, from where the type strain was isolated.
25) Streptococcus pharyngis (Vela et al. IJSEM. 2015, 65: 2903; Type strain: DICM10-00796B = CCUG 66496) Gr. n. pharynx, throat; Gr. gen. n. pharygnis, of the throat.
26) Streptococcus phocae subsp. phocae (Avendaño et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 1775; Type strain: SVL 8399 H1 = ATCC 51973) L. gen. n. phocae, of a seal. Streptococcus seala subspecies
27) Streptococcus phocae subsp. salmonis (Avendaño et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 1775; Type strain: C-4 = DSM 24768) L. gen. n. salmonis, of salmon, since it was first discovered in salmon. Streptococcus carp subspecies
28) Streptococcus rifensis (Kadri et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 2480; Type strain: LMG 27684 = CCMM B833) NL masc. adj. rifensis, of Rif, named after the northern region of Morocco, from where the type strain was Isolated. R. streptococcus
29) Streptococcus rubneri (Huch et al. IJSEM. 2013, 63: 4026; Type strain: LMG 27207 = DSM 26920) NL masc. gen. n. rubneri, in honour of Max Rubner (2 June 1854–27 April 1932), a German medical doctor and professor of hygiene, after which the Max Rubner-Institut in Karlsruhe, Germany, was named, and where the strains investigated in this study were isolated.
30) Streptococcus ursoris (Shinozaki-Kuwahara et al. IJSEM. 2011, 61: 40; Type strain: NUM 1615 = DSM 22768) L. n. ursus -i, bear; L. n. os oris, mouth; NL gen. n. ursoris, of the mouth of a bear.
(China Industrial Microbial Culture Collection Management Center Liu Yang Liang Hanqiu Bai Feirong)
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