Environmental factors can determine to a greater extent that life vegetarianism can prolong life?

Environmental factors can determine to a greater extent that life vegetarianism can prolong life?

January 10, 2017 Source: Bio Valley

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How long our life span depends on a range of genetic and environmental factors, and by testing twins, scientists have found that the proportion of genetic factors does not exceed 30%. This means that environmental factors can determine the length of life of people to a greater extent.

Among the many possible environmental factors, diet should be one of the most in-depth research directions, including limiting calorie intake. Studies now show that, at least in small animals, limiting calorie intake can extend lifespan. However, the results of mouse-level studies may not be applicable to the human body.

The type of food we consume is also one of the hot areas of current research, and the intake of meat is particularly concerned.

A five-year study of 100,000 Americans shows that vegetarians have a significantly longer life span than carnivores, a effect that is particularly pronounced among men.

Some large-scale studies have also shown that people's life expectancy is often negatively correlated with the level of meat in the usual diet. The longer the vegetarian diet is, the more effective the life expectancy is.

But not all studies support this conclusion. Some studies have shown that there is no significant difference in the life span between carnivores and vegetarians.

However, reducing the intake of meat can indeed reduce the risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer.

In addition, there is evidence that a vegetarian diet is more effective than a normal vegetarian diet.

So, can we think that stopping the intake of meat will prolong life? The answer is no.

First, we humans have lived for a long time compared to other species. Therefore, we are unable to complete a decent human level life test (no scientist can wait ninety years until the test is completed).

As a result, scientists turned to short-term human health data and compared the life expectancy of people in different groups. The relationship between meat and life is also derived from the above data.

However, there are obvious problems with this research method. First of all, the correlation between the two does not mean that there is an inevitable causal relationship between the two.

In other words, correlation is not equal to causality. Perhaps vegetarianism has a positive correlation with longevity, but it is controlled by an additional variable.

Maybe it's because vegetarians often exercise, seldom smoke, drink, and so on.

Moreover, nutrition research relies on volunteers to strictly record their dietary information, but this is difficult to guarantee. In some studies, volunteers often reduce their calorie intake and increase their intake of healthy foods.

Without strict control, these findings are indeed unconvincing.

So, do we want to limit the intake of meat? According to limited evidence, meat foods may be one of the reasons for the length of life, and as we age, reducing meat intake will more or less prevent some diseases.

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