Recently, a team led by Prof. Shi Yongji of the Graduate School of Kyushu University in Japan used genetically modified technology to cultivate high-temperature-resistant plants that can grow normally in an environment of nearly 50°C. Their research results were published in the United States "Science" magazine published on the 21st. Researchers believe that there is a substance in the unsaturated fatty acids of the plant leaves, which, when the temperature rises, can make the plant's photosynthesis activities dull and cause the plants to wither. If the genetic gene that prevents the formation of this unsaturated fatty acid is replaced in the plant, the plant will have high temperature resistance. The research team obtained this genetic gene fragment from a grass, and then transplanted it into the tobacco gene. The suitable growth temperature of common tobacco is about 25°C. If it is higher than 25°C, the photosynthesis will slow down; if it exceeds 35°C, the tobacco will wither and die. The genetically-replaced tobacco grows well at a high temperature of 47°C, whereas normal tobacco at this temperature will die within three days. The successful cultivation of high-temperature resistant plants can protect heat-resistant crops such as wheat and plateau Vegetables from abnormal climates such as heat waves and abnormal high temperatures, and at the same time promote the cultivation of these crops to the tropics, which is of great significance for solving world food problems. .
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