The Problems and Solutions to the Fertilizer During the Winter Season in Greenhouse Vegetables

The first: The current problem of greenhouse soil and the use of fertilizer

1. Soil-borne diseases in the old sheds have increased. The pathogens that cause winter and summer overwintering in greenhouse soils are: vegetable root blight fungi, verticillium wilt, blight fungus, and sclerotinia.

2. The occurrence of root-knot nematode aggravates.

3. Physiological diseases and root diseases are aggravated by fertilizer damage and salt damage caused by unreasonable use of fertilizers.

4. The metasurface emphasizes the use of large amounts of elemental fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) to cause soil compaction.

5. The use of nitrogen fertilizer in the partial surface of the base fertilizer resulted in the imbalance of nitrogen and potassium in the early stage of vegetable growth (deficient in the early stage of the nitrogen fertilizer), and affected the healthy growth and yield of vegetables. (The ratio of nitrogen fertilizer and potassium fertilizer in the early stage of vegetable growth is 1:3 is reasonable.)

6. The serious shortage of trace element fertilizers affects the synergistic absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, resulting in low overall production.

7. During the middle and late stages of vegetable growth, defertilizer (mainly nitrogen fertilizer) influences the absorption and utilization of potash fertilizer (a ratio of 1:1 for the ratio of nitrogen fertilizer and potassium fertilizer during the late period of vegetable growth is a reasonable proportion).

8. The old shed soil is rich in soluble phosphorus (available phosphorus), and soluble potassium is increasing at a rate of 10-30 mg/kg per year.

Second: abandon the outdated concept of fertilizer use, scientific use of fertilizer

There is a direct correlation between fertilizer use and disease. Using fertilizers scientifically, the disease is significantly reduced and the resistance to diseases of vegetables is increased and the yield is greatly increased.

1. Base fertilizer problem: As the saying goes: "Three chases are not as good as one". Base fertilizer is very important, base fertilizer should be comprehensive and focused. At present, the greenhouse should focus on potash fertilizer, trace element fertilizer, organic fertilizer, and microbial fertilizer. Special emphasis is placed on trace element fertilizers, microbial fertilizers and organic fertilizers. Rare earth fertilizers and microbial organic fertilizers are the key to use.

2. Problems with chicken manure: Chicken manure is mainly supplemented with nitrogen fertilizer. During the chicken feeding process, salt is added. There are 30-40 kg of salt and sodium chloride in chicken manure from 5 to 8 kg. Therefore, the side effects of chicken manure are very large. Especially in the deep winter season, the unfermented chicken manure cannot be freely used as a base fertilizer.

3. A large number of elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) should be used scientifically: In accordance with the concept of modern science using fertilizer, the ratio of nitrogen to potassium is 1:3, and nitrogen and potassium can be co-absorbed. Otherwise, too much nitrogen will affect the absorption of potassium fertilizer. It is recommended that nitrogen fertilizer be used as a base fertilizer to reduce the use of fertilizers. Potassium fertilizers should be used once only in the cultivation ridge. Potassium fertilizer has the greatest demand during the flowering and fruit enlargement period of the vegetables, and the demand in the middle and late periods gradually decreases. Phosphate fertilizer should be applied less or not. Note: Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are used to avoid spreading and are used together with organic fertilizers or microbial fertilizers.

4. Use of trace elements and rare earth elements: Trace elements are missing from greenhouse soils. In high-yield vegetable greenhouses, the lack of trace elements limits the high yield of vegetables. Zinc fertilizer and boron fertilizer are the synthetic components of the auxinase in the plant and participate in the growth regulation function of the plant. Lack of zinc, boron, virus disease and physiological lobular disease. Therefore, zinc fertilizer and other trace element fertilizers are used as the base fertilizer during the seedling transplanting process, so that the need for plant trace elements can be met from the slow seedlings, thereby controlling virus diseases. It is necessary for the boron fertilizer to differentiate into flower buds before flowering. The rare earth element activates the enzyme in the plant has a unique and irreplaceable role, is a component of many enzymes, control and prevention of a variety of difficult diseases have a special role. The use of trace elements and rare earth elements can indirectly increase the temperature of the ground and increase the activity of plant enzymes, and increase the ability of the vegetables to resist low temperatures. Since trace elements are synthetic substances that stimulate auxin, the use of trace elements can promote the growth of bifurcations and capillary roots of root hairs. Stimulate the absorption of fertilizers by crops.

5. Use of microbial fertilizer: Microbial fertilizer can secrete some secondary metabolites and resist the proliferation of pathogens. Breeding bacteria in the soil requires food sources - the ratio of carbon to nitrogen is in the ratio of 10-20:1. Supplemental carbon source organic fertilizer is the basis for the survival and reproduction of microbial fertilizer. Therefore, to achieve the maximum effect of microbial fertilizer, in addition to the addition of microbial bacteria, the most important thing is to provide these microorganisms with the survival of food - organic fertilizer. Actinomycetes, spores, etc. in microbial fertilizers produce large amounts of antibiotics to kill mycelium and sclerotia of pathogens in the soil, and the disease is significantly reduced. However, microbial fertilizers cannot replace chemical fertilizers. When microorganisms reproduce, they can produce a large amount of heat to increase the temperature and stimulate the rooting ability. It is the preferred fertilizer for deep winter vegetable greenhouses.

6. Use of Phosphatic Fertilizer: Phosphorus is one of the three elements of crop nutrition. Phosphorus fertilizer is easily fixed by soil. It has low mobility in soil and slow conversion of fertilizer effect. Crops are difficult to absorb and utilize. The utilization rate of phosphate fertilizer is only 10%-20%. Phosphate fertilizer is best used once. Phosphate phosphate ions are easily chemically reacted with iron, aluminum, calcium, magnesium and other elements in the soil and become insoluble phosphate fertilizers ("fixed phosphate fertilizers"). Therefore, in the application of phosphorus, it is best to mix organic fertilizers and microbial fertilizers to stack together. During the accumulation process, organic fertilizers can decompose organic acids and emit heat, which can promote the dissolution of phosphate fertilizers. The humus formed during the process of decomposing organic manure is an amphoteric colloid. In acidic or alkaline soils, it can act as a buffer to keep the soil close to a neutral environment, thereby increasing the effectiveness of phosphate fertilizer. Therefore, the one-time application of phosphate fertilizers and organic fertilizers can not only enhance fertilizer efficiency but also reduce fixation. 7. The use of potash: The role of potash in the organization is to participate in transport. In layman's terms, it is transport and carrier, like our human train vehicles. From the early stage of vegetable growth to fruit enlargement, the demand is greatest. Later excess potassium ions are released into the soil through the roots. Potassium fertilizer has poor mobility in the soil (an average of about 8 cm in each watering movement). Fixation of potash fertilizer is accompanied by fixation of phosphate fertilizers. Secondly, soil crystallisation of potassium is also fixed. According to the test data of soil testing formulas in various regions, greenhouses use a large amount of potassium-containing fertilizers in successive years, and the effective potassium in greenhouses is increasing by 10-30ppm year by year. The use of potash should be lighter and lighter, concentrate on furrows or acupuncture points, and do not use top dressing or top dressing as little as possible. 8. The use of nitrogen fertilizer: nitrogen fertilizer is easy to lose in the soil, nitrogen fertilizer absorption utilization rate of 20-30%. The reason is the denitrification of bacteria (anaerobic bacteria) counterproductive, volatile, leaching, soil microbial competition and so on. Therefore, the base fertilizer should be as low as possible with nitrogen fertilizer. In the past, the concept of one-time application of nitrogen fertilizer was wrong, and nitrogen fertilizer was easy to lose. Moreover, not much nitrogen fertilizer is needed during the vegetable seedling period.

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