Mangzhong timely harvest spring amaranth

Mang is a kind of solar energy, has entered the summer season, has sufficient sunshine, long hours of light, and elevated temperature, but the rainfall is not large, which is suitable for the growth of most vegetables. Solanaceous fruits, melons and legumes planted in spring sowing fields are harvested one after another. Increased, market supply is sufficient. The management and harvesting of spring leeks should be mainly done, and the seedling preparations for autumn vegetables should be prepared.

Facilities for harvested vegetables

At this time, greenhouses, greenhouses, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and other vegetables have reached the fruit harvest period, rapid plant growth, large transpiration, the need for water and fertilizer, management is related to the quality and quality.

â–  Adjust suitable growth environment

The temperature regulates the temperature of the greenhouse suitable for crop growth according to different crop growth stages and weather conditions. Tomatoes and other thermophilic crops emerge from the sun during the day in the sunny hours to 23 o C to 30 o C at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, 26 o C to 23 o C at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and 15 o C to 18 o C in the evening, and cucumbers and other melon crops fall from sunset to sunset. The temperature should be higher at 24 o'clock in the evening and more suitable at 20 o C to 18 o C. The leafy vegetables such as celery should be at 20 o C to 25 o C during the day and 10 o C to 12 o C at night. The cloudy daytime temperature should be reduced by 3°C-5°C. Sunny days at noon from 11 to 15 o'clock on the roof covering the shade net or spraying "Liliang" cooling materials to reduce the temperature inside the shed.

The humidity of the air is also different for the fruits and vegetables that belong to the thermophilic temperature. The air humidity requirements are also different. The suitable air humidity for cucumbers and peppers is 60%-90%; the suitable humidity for tomatoes and eggplants is 45%-60%. It is possible to regulate the air humidity in the shed by means of under-membrane irrigation, ventilation and humidity control, and regulation of indoor temperature, which can ensure the normal growth of crops and prevent the epidemic of diseases and insect pests.

Illumination at noon in summer is too strong and will have adverse effects on crops, reduce yield and quality, and cause physiological diseases such as buds and sunburn. Covering the roofs at 11 to 15 o'clock in sunny days, the shading rate will be 60%-70. % of shade nets.

â–  timely harvest

Harvesting too late not only affects fruit and plant growth but also reduces quality. Try to harvest in the early morning on a sunny day. The quality and taste of the product are better than those at other times.

â–  Organize plants in time to promote multiple results

The vines and vines of the cucumbers and tomatoes used for hanging vines must be arbitrarily cultivated and vines in a timely manner. When they grow to a height of about 2 meters, the vines or head-changing methods are used to extend the fruiting period. Cucumbers can be used to make plants grow neatly and conveniently, and labor is saved. At the same time, the tendrils are removed and the male flowers are removed.

Remove the old leaves, yellow leaves, diseased leaves and lateral branches in the lower part of the plant, so as to facilitate ventilation and lightening and reduce nutrient consumption. In general, tomatoes and cucumbers maintain about 16 functional leaves per plant, and eggplants and peppers maintain 30-40 functional leaves per plant.

When the tip of a pointed tomato grows to the ear of a predetermined ear, the result is usually 4-6 spikes per plant, leaving 2-3 leaves above the upper ear to remove the top.

â–  Promote fruit setting and fruit thinning

Tomato vigorously promote pollination pollinator-assisted pollination. Eggplant can be used "high yield agent II", "Fructus Ning" and other safe and efficient flower protection agent spray to improve the fruit setting rate. Cucumbers and peppers do not need to use preservatives to help fruit set. Tomatoes usually leave about 4 fruit per panicle, removing excessive flowers and fruits as early as possible, and removing malformed fruit and fruit on each ear too early and too small.

â–  Scientific watering and fertilizing

Watering should be scientifically watered according to weather, crop conditions and soil moisture. The method of watering with small water is better. Tomato and eggplant are usually watered once every 5-8 days; cucumbers and peppers are watered once every 3-5 days to avoid excessive drought and excessive watering.

Topdressing promotes the "water and fertilizer integration" and "balanced fertilization" technologies, according to different crops need fertilizer law and plant growth to top-dressing, in particular to avoid too much nitrogen fertilizer, potassium deficiency and the formation of tomato tendon rot. Fertilization is based on the principle of eating less and more meals. Tomatoes are topdressed once each ear begins to swell. Cucumbers, eggplants, and other crops are usually chased once every 10-15 days. Each time, every acre goes with NPK over 5-8 kg, 30 days before pulling. Stop top dressing.

Foliar sprayed crops are sprayed 4-5 times in the middle and late stages of growth, 7-9 days apart, sprayed with 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.5% urea, spraying alginic acid Functional fertilizers, play a role in the rapid supplement of nutrients to promote growth.

Exposed vegetables for field management

This period is the harvesting period of many crops such as eggplant, cucumber, kidney beans, kidney beans, and cauliflower, rapeseed, garland chrysanthemum, leeks, and so on. At the same time do a good job top dressing, watering, fruit thinning and pruning old leaf management.

Clean up and clear the drains as soon as possible

Clean up and clear the drains as soon as possible, and eliminate water accumulation in the fields as soon as possible after rainfall. We will strive to stop the rain in the fields and prevent the accumulation of stagnant water. Check and repair the sheds: Inspect the rear slopes and back walls of the greenhouses, and ensure that the leaks are repaired before the arrival of the rainy season to ensure that no collapse occurs.

Xia Qiuyi shed tomato colonization

Colonization by June 10th, when the temperature is high in July-August, the plants have grown and have strong resistance to high temperature. Select the sunny afternoon planting, so that the appropriate depth and density, reasonable density, timely pouring enough water to planting.

Onion colonization

Apply 3,000 kg of fully-fertilized organic fertilizer per acre, plough the land deep, and select the strong and healthy onion seedlings for planting, consistent in depth and depth, and pour enough water for planting in time.

Qiu Lu exposed celery seedlings

The celery seedlings are planted in the middle and late June, and they are sown after low temperature germination. After soaking for 24 hours, the celery is placed in a distance of 50 cm from the surface of the water. Due to the fact that the temperature is relatively high and the rainfall is gradually increasing, we must raise seedlings in facilities such as greenhouses or sheds, and pay attention to the shade of the nursery sheds and prevent rain, and leave 80 cm high air outlets on both sides to facilitate ventilation. And the door closed with insect nets.

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