How to guard against food poisoning in the spring

As temperatures rise in the spring, some foods that are otherwise innocuous or have very low toxicity will become toxic or have increased toxicity. Spring is a period when various diseases are active. Humans are easily affected by infection or poisoning. Experts remind that in daily life, we must pay more attention to food safety and guard against the occurrence of food poisoning.


1, pay attention to the selection and identification of food, do not buy and eat toxic foods, such as: puffer fish, poisonous mushrooms, sprouted potatoes and so on.

2, cooking food to be thoroughly heated, cooked food ready to eat immediately, the temperature of cooked food stored at less than 7 °C, cooked cooked food stored before eating thoroughly heated.

3, to avoid raw food and cooked food contact, can not use raw food cutting tools, cutting boards and then cut cooked food. Raw and cooked food should be stored separately.

4. Fruits and vegetables should be washed and disinfected when they are eaten raw.

5. Avoid contact with food by insects, rodents and other animals.

6, to the restaurant when you choose to have a "food hygiene permit" of the catering unit, not eating without licenses.

7. Don't use unlawful raw water products such as razor clams, smuts, burrows, etc.

8. Don't buy food from unlicensed vendors. Do not buy canned foods and other packaged foods that do not have labels with or without the date of manufacture, no production units, and no warranty period.

9, do not eat spoilage food, spoilage foods often contain a variety of viruses, the most prone to food poisoning.

10, meat foods must be cooked to prevent external cooking within.

11, are not free to collect unfamiliar, do not know the animals, plants (wild mushrooms, wild fruits, wild vegetables, etc.).

12, according to the requirements of low-temperature refrigeration storage of food, control the reproduction of microorganisms.

13. Wash hands before and after meals. Prevention of food poisoning should begin with good personal hygiene.

Wild vegetables can not eat food poisoning first aid four methods

1, gastric lavage

The most convenient gastric lavage can be used to wash gastric lavage with soap or strong tea. It can also be washed with 2% sodium bicarbonate. This method can also remove toxic substances that have already reached the intestines and play a role in colon cleansing.

2, catharsis

Experts pointed out that the commonly used cathartic agents are magnesium sulfate and sodium sulfate, the amount of 15 to 30 grams, 200 milliliters of water, orally.

3, induce vomiting

The vomiting method can be used to reach the throat with fingers or other substitutes until the poisoned person spits out the water.

4, detoxification

Experts said that after the above-mentioned emergency treatment, they should also be treated symptomatically and take antidote. The simplest way is to eat raw egg whites, raw milk or gargle with garlic juice. Conditional general antidotes can be taken (4 parts of activated carbon, 2 parts of magnesium oxide, 2 parts of citric acid and 100 parts of water). Its main function is to adsorb or neutralize toxic substances such as alkaloids, heavy metals and acids.

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