1. Reasons for repeated infertility of sows
1.1 Genital tract diseases Genital tract inflammation is one of the reasons that affect the conception rate. It has been reported that about 50% of repeated infertility of sows is caused by uterine inflammation. Insufficient disinfection of artificial insemination, improper delivery of midwifery, or poor hygiene of the delivery room can all increase the infection rate.
In production, only obvious clinical symptoms usually cause attention. Blind mating without treatment for recessive metritis can easily lead to decreased fertility rates and even repeated infertility.
1.2 Nutritional Factors Energy: Mainly refers to carbohydrates. Insufficient intake of energy feed for sows inhibits hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing factor, reduces secretion of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, and results in less probable pregnancy in sows. Sows consume too much energy and feed too much. When the constitution is over-fertilized, it will affect the conception rate, lead to early abortion or embryo reabsorption, reduce the survival rate of embryos and cause regurgitation. Protein: When the protein supply is insufficient or the quality is not good, it will affect the egg. Develop and reduce the number of ovulation and reduce the conception rate. General requirements sows dietary protein content of 12%, sows should be appropriate to increase the protein supply before mating, after appropriate mating protein feed to facilitate the implantation of fertilized eggs; trace elements: sows are extremely sensitive to calcium supply, Calcium deficiency can make it difficult to get pregnant, and the number of litters decreases. When the zinc content in the feed is insufficient, the sows are less likely to conceive; vitamins: vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin E are of great significance for reproduction. Insufficient vitamin A in the diet will affect the sow's follicle maturation, causing infertility, and lack of dietary supplementation. Vitamin D can affect the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and cause metabolic disorders, lack of vitamin E can cause infertility.
1.3 Infectious diseases, such as parvovirus, atypical swine fever, Japanese encephalitis, brucellosis, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, streptococcal disease; parasitic diseases such as toxoplasmosis, leptospira Diseases; metabolic diseases, such as protein deficiency, vitamin deficiency, lack of selenium can cause repeated infertility, miscarriage or birth stillbirth.
1.4. An important cause of incomplete infertility caused by aspergillus in sows is the presence of aspergillus poisoning, which mainly refers to the production of aspergillus by mouldy corn, including aflatoxin, fumonisin, fumonium toxin and gibberellin.
1.5 Non-soggy factors The low number or poor quality of sperm in the breeding boar also results in infertility.
2 Prevention
2.1 Physiological diseases and solutions that cause sows to fail to match
2.1.1 Long-lasting corpus luteum Non-pregnant sows have a large number of corpus luteum on the ovary, showing no estrus after weaning sows, gilts whose weight and age have met the requirements for mating, and not estrus.
Measures: Intramuscular injection of cloprostenol or leprotinin, dissolved long-lasting corpus luteum, can achieve the effect of induction of estrus.
2.1.2 Ovarian quiescence The ovary of unpregnant sows does not have either rhubarb or large follicular development and should show that the sow is not estrus.
Measures: Intramuscular injection of PG600 or pregnant horse serum gonadotropin (PMSG) induces the development of large follicles on the ovary and restores estrus to the sow.
2.1.3 Ovarian cysts Sow ovarian follicles develop, but the formation of cysts, do not ovulate, sows showed persistent estrus, but infertility after matching.
Measures: Intramuscular injection promote row 3, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) or high dose of progesterone, induction of cystic follicle luteinization, a week after the treatment with cloprostenol or rhymophyllin to dissolve the corpus luteum can make the mother The pig resumes estrus.
2.2 The gilts adopt pre-matching “short-term excellent feeding†to increase the amount of concentrate feed within 14 days after mating, avoid high temperature, feed more green materials, keep the pens dry and sanitary, and do not need to raise rearing sows to raise pigs. Sow feeding standards cultivating gilts and rearing sows and sows.
2.3 Prevention of Infertility Caused by Diseases
2.3.1 Prevention of Parvoviruses The predominantly vaccinated sows or sows are vaccinated with pre-species virus, 2 mL per sow, and the gilts are vaccinated once every 3-4 weeks before breeding.
2.3.2 Immunization against swine fever vaccine 15-30 days before gilling or gilt breeding for atypical swine fever.
2.3.3 For the prevention of Japanese encephalitis, breeding pigs should be given one or two heads of vaccination every spring and autumn, and gilts should be vaccinated once every 3-4 weeks before breeding.
2.4 Repeated Infertility Caused by Aspergillus Control Proper storage of corn, bran, and soybean meal to prevent mildew, while feeding green feed and vitamins A, B, and D.
2.5 Repeated Infertility Control Caused by Boar Factors Check the boar's sperm motility and semen quality before mating, and pay attention to strengthening boar management. Production first meets the boar nutritional needs, while adding some essential amino acids to ensure the content of copper, iron, zinc and other trace elements and vitamins. Second, feed should be diversified to ensure nutritional complementarity. Feeding should be regularly quantified to ensure that breeding boar breeding conditions to prevent excessive fat or too thin.
In terms of management, the first is to strengthen sports, the second is to exercise caution when avoiding severe cold and the hot sun, and the third is to make reasonable use of breeding pigs. Usually an adult boar breeds every other day, after a week of rest, the breeding should be completed. Let the boar go back to the pighouse for rest.
Can not drink immediately after mating, feeding should be carried out before eating or 1h after eating. At the same time pay attention to the balance between nutrition, exercise and breeding. Nutritional balance, nutrient-rich, sports and breeding are insufficient boar fat, breeding ability is reduced, semen quality decreased. On the contrary, excessive exercise and breeding, and malnutrition, boar weight loss, decreased sperm quality, reduced sperm count, lack of vitality.
3 treatment
3.1 The normal estrus cycle and repeated infertility treatments, especially if sows returning to breeding on 21st or 25th day after breeding, should take the following measures: 1 to 2 million units of penicillin per unit, 1 million units of streptomycin, 2 times per day. In the application of antibiotics, with the use of normal saline at 40 °C rinse the uterus, after injection into the uterus into the antibiotic or sulfonamides, plus oxytocin, to facilitate the removal of local inflammation. After dealing with clean, normal estrus, you can breed, it is recommended that the next situation and then breeding, in order to facilitate the recovery of the body. Treatment with the drug net uterus and LRH-A3 is still infertility and reproductive decline, loss of species value should be eliminated in time.
3.2 Treatment of sows by infertility due to ovarian cysts
The sows are estrus irregular or estrus, or persistent estrus, but often with infertility, labia pubescent swelling, increased, often in the vulva and other mucous, can be used to promote luteinizing hormone, 50-100 per intramuscular injection unit, or each muscle fus Membrane hormone 500-1000 units.
3.3 The estrous sows are injected with erythromycin 900-1.8 million IU directly into the sow's uterus within 1-2 hours before the insemination, and then the sows are inseminated and the insemination drug is administered daily. Once, the sow fertility rate can reach more than 92%.
3.4 Habitual abortion treatment can use progesterone 25-35mg / head, play a role in the miscarriage.
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