Under 2 weeks of age, the digestive organs of the goslings have not yet been fully developed and have weak digestive functions. If the feeding management is improper, it may cause indigestion. As soon as the goslings hatched, feeds with higher crude fiber content were fed, suddenly changing the feed formulation and the amount of feed. There was no fine sand in the feed and the digestive function of the stomach and stomach was poor. In addition, sudden changes in the weather and other factors can easily lead to the disease.
Symptoms: sick goslings, lack of head and eyes closed, feathers dull, drooping wings, loss of appetite or waste, increased frequency of defecation, thin stools, light green or white, sometimes with foam or mucus, sour smell , filth and adhesion around the anus, poor growth and development of diseased chicks.
Prevention: Gosling feed should be comprehensive nutrition, easy to digest, no spoilage, the best is now with the feed, do not feed overnight. Feeding should be done regularly. For the first 7 days of the brooding period, warm water is used to mix the ingredients. After 5 days of age, add appropriate amount of fine sand to the feed. For goslings that have already developed, they can be fed with yeast tablets or milk enzymes, 0.2 grams each time for each goose, fed with spices and used for 2 days; for goslings with symptoms of diarrhea, 2% of charcoal can be added to the feed. Chips, use 2 days Jiyu.
Gosling plague is an acute, septic communicable disease. Diseased goose manifested as symptoms such as mental fatigue, food waste, diarrhea, and anal incontinence. The disease usually occurs within 3 to 5 days after the goslings hatch, and can spread throughout the group. Gooses after one month of age do not generally occur. Typical pathological changes are the formation of embolus in the small intestine, and severe cases can block the intestine.
Symptoms: The disease can be divided into the most acute, acute, subacute three kinds of disease. The most acute type: Sudden death from unexplained causes occurs most often in goslings less than one week old. Acute type: Mostly occurring in 1-2 weeks old goslings, sick goslings, mental illness, waste food, severe diarrhea, yellowish white or yellowish green water, the disease course is usually 1 to 2 days, there are neurological symptoms before death. Subacute type: Occurred in geese more than 2 weeks old, the sick goslings are not good spirits, do not eat, drainage, some goose will self-healing.
Prevention and control: The gosling quail vaccine is inoculated twice a week before the breeder's laying eggs, so that the inoculated eggs contain maternal antibodies, so that the goslings are passively immunized.
Goose Flu
Mostly because of sudden changes in climate, poor feeding and management, goslings caught cold and infected. The mortality rate of the disease is high.
Symptoms: sick goslings are mentally exhausted, lack of appetite, crowded goslings, runny nose, difficulty breathing and shaking their heads. When they shake their heads, the mucus sticks to the feathers. Feathers can be filthy, wet and unruly. The duration is 3 to 5 days before death. Seriously squatted.
Prevention: Keep attention to warm-keeping of young goslings within 1 month of age, and scientific feeding and management. Infested areas of the disease can be injected with goose flu inactivated vaccines for prevention. The intramuscular injection of penicillin and oral sulfamethoxazole tablets to diseased goslings has good curative effects, while keeping warm and keeping warm, improving feeding and management conditions.