The bellow tree is Cephalanthus Linn. Linn. Sp. Pl. 95. 1753 et Gen. Pl. ed. 5. 42. no. 105. 1754; Ridsd. in Blumea 23 (1): 179. 1976; Rogers in Journ. Arn Arb. 68 (2): 167, fig. 1. 1987.
Shrubs or trees. The impeller is born or opposed; the stipules are born between petioles, with a black gland or no glands at the top. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, without degenerate leaves or stipules, inflorescence axis pubescent; bracts present; calyx tube, calyx lobes 4, sometimes smaller 5 lobes; corolla tall Footlike to funnel-shaped, corolla lobes nearly imbricate in bud; stamens inserted at corolla throat, filaments short, anthers dorsifixed, base shortly 2-picrate; style filamentous, stigma capitate to clublike, Out of corolla, ovary 2-locular; inverted ovule solitary, pendulous, with stalks and aril. Infructescences are globose and consist of non-cracking nuts.
There are 6 species in this genus, 3 species in America, 2 species in Asia, and 1 species in Africa. Only one species in our country.
Species from the genus Adina Salisb.
Water Cluster Flower Adina pilulifera (Lam.) Franch. ex Drake
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