The species of plum


The bellow tree is Cephalanthus Linn. Linn. Sp. Pl. 95. 1753 et Gen. Pl. ed. 5. 42. no. 105. 1754; Ridsd. in Blumea 23 (1): 179. 1976; Rogers in Journ. Arn Arb. 68 (2): 167, fig. 1. 1987.

Shrubs or trees. The impeller is born or opposed; the stipules are born between petioles, with a black gland or no glands at the top. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, without degenerate leaves or stipules, inflorescence axis pubescent; bracts present; calyx tube, calyx lobes 4, sometimes smaller 5 lobes; corolla tall Footlike to funnel-shaped, corolla lobes nearly imbricate in bud; stamens inserted at corolla throat, filaments short, anthers dorsifixed, base shortly 2-picrate; style filamentous, stigma capitate to clublike, Out of corolla, ovary 2-locular; inverted ovule solitary, pendulous, with stalks and aril. Infructescences are globose and consist of non-cracking nuts.

There are 6 species in this genus, 3 species in America, 2 species in Asia, and 1 species in Africa. Only one species in our country.

Species from the genus Adina Salisb.

Water Cluster Flower Adina pilulifera (Lam.) Franch. ex Drake

Wood Shredder Machine

Shandong Longze Mechanical Equipment Co.,Ltd ,