1. Seedling raising: In order to meet the growth of Shantou, it is best to raise the seedlings 20 to 30 days before the final frost in the spring, use Yangshuo or a hotbed, extend things, and choose a higher elevation and a sunny leeward place. The thickness of bed soil varies from species to species, and is generally about 10 centimeters. It should not be too deep. Because the bed soil is too deep, the roots of transplanting will be easily damaged and the seedlings will be slow. Bed temperature should be 20-25 degrees Celsius. Humidity should be appropriate, keep it moist, hold the soil by hand, and hand-sewn with water, but do not dribble it properly. When the shoots grow to more than 4 cm, the open field is frost-free and cultivated early.
2. Planting: Steamed bread is more shade-tolerant and should be planted properly. The size of the close-growing mother locust is similar to that of the dilute planting field, and the number of sub-fries is reduced, but the sub-fungi is not small, and the yield per 667 m2 is significantly increased. For many children, the general spacing is 80 centimeters, and the spacing is about 20 centimeters. Each 667 square meters can produce 3,000 to 4,500 kilograms, and more than 5,000 kilograms. This kind of planting method is convenient for field operations, such as earthing, grassing, watering, topdressing, etc., and it is very easy to carry out, and there are also few Lucyans. Clam should be planted deeply. The cultivation depth is generally required to be 16 to 18 cm. The soil with sufficient fertilizer and water should be densely planted. It is advisable to plant the ditch and cover the earth with mixed fertilizer or fine soil so as to cover the clams and expose the bud tip. 3 to 5 days before planting should be watering and spawning, planting when the first small water after planting. Before leeches are cultivated, sufficient basal fertilizer should be applied and paddy fields should be filled with water 6 to 7 cm deep and dried for 3 to 5 days. When the water reaches 3 to 5 cm deep, they can be inserted into the mud by a certain distance between rows. After easing the seedlings, dry the water and dry it to increase the ground temperature so that the wolfberry grows well.
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds,Baking Pumpkin Seeds,Cooking Pumpkin Seeds,Toasted Pumpkin Seeds
Wuyuan county dafeng oil food co.,ltd , https://www.dafengfood.com.cn