Generally speaking, a small amount of drinking is possible. It can speed up blood circulation, flow blood, clear the meridians, and warm the skin. Many traditional Chinese medicines also use alcohol as a guide and drug carriers. As for medicinal wine, it has a certain role in healing and fitness. However, if you drink too much, it will cause damage to your body. Lingshu·Yongyong pointed out: "The essence of the winemaker's Mizutani is its qi, which is bloated in the stomach and upward in the air. It is full of the chest and the liver and the gall bladder...". "Eating will be about food" has made a more comprehensive summary of the benefits of drinking, pointed out that "sweet wine, hot and toxic, the main line of drug potential, kill Baixie, pass the blood, thick stomach, eliminate worry, drink less is better Drink more and hurt the spleen and live the life, change the nature of the person, drink too much and the source of death." Excessive drinking (especially alcohol) can lead to the accumulation of alcohol in the body. It can reduce the inhibition process of the brain and make the lower center excessively excited. It can make people feel impulsive, ridiculously fickle, and it can be said that they are tampered with, then they are unresponsive, and their gait is paralyzed. In severe cases, the respiratory center can suppress, paralyze and die. At the same time, alcohol has obvious toxic effects on hepatocytes. Long-term alcoholism can cause toxic cirrhosis and even cancer. Alcoholism can also increase the incidence of cardiovascular disease.
In addition to emphasizing drinking, there are a few things to note.
First, different wines should not be mixed and consumed because the reaction of different kinds of wines is different after entering the human body. Mixing wines is more likely to make people drunk than the same amount of simple wines. Second, it is best not to drink alcohol during the medication, because the wine can react with certain drugs such as furazolidone, furandandine, hypoglycemic spirit, metronidazole, etc., or reduce the efficacy, or increase the side effects. Third, the wine should be served with food because the alcohol in the wine needs various vitamins when it breaks down in the liver. Drinking wine and lacking vitamins will increase the burden on the liver and damage it. Therefore, when drinking alcohol, it should be eaten with high nutritional value. Dishes. Fourth, obesity, elderly and infirm, pregnant women, and children should all avoid alcohol.
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