There are many causes of eggplant wilting, mainly due to the disease, sclerotinia, stem rot, bacterial wilt, verticillium wilt, root knot nematode disease, fertilizer damage.
For these reasons, how can we separate and control them? This requires correct diagnosis. According to many years of practical experience, the author believes that: "five see" diagnosis, simple and quick, conducive to control. The essentials are as follows:
A look at the distribution of fields.
The occurrence of fertilizer damage usually occurs at noon on sunny days and returns to normal in the early evening. Severe plants can cause death and large areas of the field. For the above other diseases, the field distribution shape is mostly spot distribution.
Second, see if there is a root knot in the root.
Root knot nematode disease occurs, root knots of varying sizes can be seen at the root. The above other diseases have no root knots.
Three to see if the vascular bundle is brown.
The vascular bundles of Verticillium dahliae and bacterial wilt become brown, and these other diseases have no such symptoms. These two diseases do not show symptoms at the seedling stage and begin to show after flowering. However, Verticillium wilt from bottom to top, the vascular bundle of the stem is yellow-brown. When wet, the stem base produces white mold, irregular yellowish patches appear between the leaf margins and veins, and remains near the main vein. Brown palmately mottled. The diseased part died of flowering and sometimes appeared "half mad." Bacterial bacterial wilt disease, the middle and lower parts of the stem, is rough, and often grows with varying lengths of verrucose projections and adventitious roots, sometimes with brownish irregular patches on diseased stems. Such as the disease stem to do cross-section examination, slightly squeezed, often milky mucus overflow (bacterial pus).
Four to see if the root is rot.
In the root or rhizome of eggplant root rot, the epidermis is rotted brown and easily peeled off, causing the xylem to be exposed. The above other diseases have no such symptoms.
Five to see if the stem base and bifurcation are rotted.
Stem rot only harms the base of stems, most of them produce water-stained dark spots 3-5 cm above and below the surface of the earth, and quickly spread to the surrounding, hand-spinning soft, yellow leaves from the bottom to the top, wilt after. One week after the diseased spot passed around the stem, the plant quickly died of blue and dry, and the underground part showed more normal. Sclerotinia mostly infects the fork at the stem part, grayish white, slightly depressed, phloem rot, and its mycelium can invade the disease stem, the later epidermis longitudinal crack, lesion size, shape, length, edge water stains, On the surface and diseased stems, white cotton flocculent hyphae and black sclerotia are present. The diseased part is wilted and dead. On the upper part of the plant, symptoms of "bending" can be formed. The epidemic disease mostly developed from stem bases and branching sites. It began to be water-stained and soon surrounded the shoots and stem bases and turned brown or dark brown spots. It spreads up and down, and the edges are not obvious, and are slightly sunken.
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