The essence of frazoxime is used in a few leaves of wheat

Q: The 159****2816 mobile phone sent a message: I'm Meicheng in Huaiyuan County, Anhui Province. Will years ago use the essence of frazoxime to control the grass should start in a few leaves of wheat? A: In wheat fields, the use of fenfazoxadol (such as thrips, etc.), should generally be performed in field weeds, and the grass age is in the 2 to 4 leaf stage (the wheat is also generally used before and after the 3 leaf stage). Since the use of drugs in the low temperature period will affect the herbicidal effect and the safety of the wheat seedlings will be reduced, it is generally required to use the wheat before winter (before mid-December). When seedlings are young and seedlings are weak, the use of spermidine may cause adverse effects on wheat seedlings. Therefore, it is generally required to use the seedlings at the third leaf stage, and the use of the seedlings should be delayed slightly when they are thin and weak.

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