Occurrence and Prevention of Apple Tree Rot Disease

First, the symptoms

Rot disease mainly affects the branches of fruit trees, and young trees and seedlings can also be harmed. The affected cortex is rot and necrotic and its symptoms are characterized by ulcers and dead branches. Mainly ulcer type. At the early stage of disease, the diseased part was reddish-brown, slightly raised, water-stained, and the tissue was soft. When it was depressed by hand, the diseased part often blew yellow-brown juice, and the diseased skin was easily peeled off. The rotten cortex is reddish-brown, rot-like and distilleries. Sometimes the lesions are dark and round and the edges are not clear. At the later stage of disease, the diseased department was dehydrated and shrank, darkened brown and subsided, and the edges were clear. Black dots were produced on it, which was the conidia of the pathogen. When the weather is wet, the conidia pick up the orange-colored, tendril-like conidia angle from the orifice.

In the early stages of the onset of the apple tree branches, there are lesions in the internal tissues, and the appearance is not easy to identify. If the epidermis is lifted off, dark brown to reddish-brown mottled spots or brownish dry spots can be seen, which are early tissue lesions. Occasionally, the area of ​​internal lesions has become quite large, while the external remains difficult to identify. Under appropriate conditions, the internal tissue lesions gradually enlarge and the symptoms appear outside. In the process of expansion, if the lesion encounters unfavorable environmental conditions, the lesion will stop expanding, appearing as a dry patch, potentially within the cortex, which constitutes a hidden feature of rot symptoms.

The surface ulcer spots mostly occurred in the upper part of the main trunk, the base of the main branch formed the skin layer on the same year, and the parts of the cryptic bud wheel or the kerf around the kerf. At the beginning of the disease, there was no obvious change in the appearance color. The diseased part was gradually reddish-brown, slightly moist, and the texture was bad, and it was close to the bark after drying. The range of diseased areas is relatively large, spreading along the surface of the bark, up to several tens of centimeters, depth of only 2 ~ 3mm, the bottom is limited by the suppository. There is a micro uplift line at the junction of the diseased health department. There is often a dark gray, olive mycelium layer between the rotten skin and the plug. When the environmental conditions are suitable, the reddish-brown ulcers on the surface may extend toward the lower part of the plug, or further expand the fusion, causing the large bark to rot.

The symptoms of dead branches mostly occur on weak branches and small branches, even on fruit or dry piles. The disease department expanded rapidly and irregularly in shape. It soon surrounded the branches and the branches gradually died. The late disease department also showed black small particles.

In addition to damaging branches, apple tree rot disease sometimes affects the fruit. The lesions are dark reddish-brown, round or irregular in shape, with rims and clear edges. The diseased tissue rots and softens, slightly smelling of distiller's grains. In the process of spreading, the lesions often form black dots in the middle, scattering or concentrating, and sometimes appear in a slightly rosy pattern. There are sometimes grayish white mycelial layers around the small grains. Diseased skin easily peeled. The small grains also whip out tendrils of orange spores in moist conditions.

Second, the infection cycle

The rot pathogens overwinter on the bark of the bark with mycelia, conidia, and conidial horns, and the ascus capsule can safely pass through winters where it is produced. The pathogenic spores are mainly spread by rain splashes. From October to October, orange spore angles appear on the bark of the disease, and the most from May to July.

The annual onset cycle of apple rot disease is annual summer. The bark begins to form from the skin in June and July. The skin layer provides good conditions for the infection of rot bacteria. The bacteria that infect the bark cause lesions in the skin layer and form ulcers on the surface. . After late October, as the fruit trees entered a dormant period, the bacteria activity increased, and the pathogens invaded healthy tissues through the perianal skin at the lower part to form multiple necrotic spots. Necrosis points and latent depression in the spring continue to harm the depth.

The appearance of the appearance of the peak period of symptoms is early spring, when the lesions spread quickly, the most intense damage. In the June growing season, lesions are not active, and only lesions on old and weak branches can slowly expand. Late autumn is also a small peak in rot disease.

Third, the incidence conditions

1. An annual orchard with a large amount of tree load has a serious rot disease.

2. Frost damage and sunburn apple rot disease have a close relationship with the weather. In the year of major frost damage, rot disease has occurred or begun to happen. Branches on the sunny side are prone to sunburn, and rot diseases are also heavier.

3. Nutritional conditions Apple rot bacteria are weak parasites, and they only harm the tree body when the tree vigor is weak and disease resistance is poor. The increase in fruit tree production, inadequate fertilizer input, or improper fertilization will inevitably lead to rot disease.

4. Insufficient pruning or trimming of pruning causes too many tree cuts and weakens the tree vigor. In particular, the cutting of saws after disinfection of diseased trees is not timely, resulting in the spread of human diseases.

Fourth, control methods

1. Strengthen cultivation and management The management of orchards is mainly to protect the tree; pruning is appropriate and tree vigor is maintained; reasonable burdens are controlled through thinning and fruit thinning; balanced fertilization and maintenance of tree vigor.

2. During the pruning of orchards in orchards in winter and summer, attention should be paid to the removal of dead branches, diseased branches, broken piles, etc., and they must be burnt together. They cannot be discarded in or near the orchard and the source of disease can be reduced.

3. The lesion treatment completely scrapes the lesions, especially the pathogens that go deep into the xylem, and keeps the edges of the scrapes neat. The sickness should be coated with bactericide 1 or 2 times, such as 40? Formamide 50 times, 50 times. Wettable powder 50 times, 10Be lime sulfur mixture. You can also scrape the lesions thoroughly, apply the sickles with garlic liquid, and then fill them with a loess slurry, tightly packed with plastic sheets, and keep the loess wet.

4. Scrape the skin to eradicate the virus and potential lesions in the tree to prevent the appearance of new lesions. Scrape the skin in the main part of the tree. The phloem scrapes off about 1mm. The scraping surface is yellow-green and embedded. After scraping, the tree If there are necrotic spots in the skin, they should be cleared; if the lesions are large, they should be treated according to the lesions. Severe scrapings are generally performed from May to July. At this time, fruit trees thrive and callus formation is fastest. In the area of ​​heavy scraping, the bark becomes a new, young tissue with strong viability, no necrotic tissue, and no falling layer within a few years, which reduces the chance of pathogenic infection and morbidity.

5. Elimination of the medicament to control the appearance of lesions on the skin layer formed in the summer, to prevent the appearance of ulcers on the surface, and to prevent the emergence of new necrotic lesions in late autumn, available 40% Formamide arsenic wettable powder 50 times solution, in late June and early November Twice the tree trunk, before the application, according to the general prevention and treatment requirements to scrape off the lesions, and cut off the diseased branches and dry piles.

6. Bridges can be used for bridges or branches with relatively large lesions or with less bast junctions. They can also be bridged with root branches or branches with long branches at the base of the main branch. If there are no suitable branches, other vigorously growing species can be used for an annual period. Branches are bridged to help restore tree vigor, resulting in longer results and good control.

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Originally, tattoo flash were designed by the artist, who would display flash so that customers could pick a tattoo they wanted. Artists would also modify flash or create custom pieces on request. Over time, artists started trading flash with each other, and also also selling tattooflash, disseminating styles and designs across a broad community. Ultimately, companies started hiring tattoo flash designers, who produce a high volume of pieces for commercial sale on individual sheets or in books of collected tattoo flash.

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