Four methods for distinguishing male and female gooses

Shape identification method Under normal circumstances, the male and female body size is larger, the body is longer, the head is large and the neck is long, the eyes are round, the wing tip is not fuzz, the ventral surface is slightly flat, and the stand is straight; the female body is small in size, and the body is short and round. The neck is short, the eye is oval, the wing tip is fluffy, the abdomen is sagging, and the body is tilted when standing. When the male chick was frightened, the cry was high, sharp and clear. The female chicks were low, thick and dull.

When you turn the anus and turn the anus, catch the goose neck and place it on the table top or on the operator's knee. The tail was separated from the dorsal side to expose the cloaca. Put fingernails on one finger and smear Vaseline. Insert 1.5 cm into cloacal cavity. Gently do a circular massage to relax the cloaca sphincter. Then press down to open the cloaca. The penis is the male and only triangular flap folds. The female is a female. The male reproductive organs are about 0.5 cm long and spiral.

When pinching the anal method, the left hand catches the goose and makes the gosling face up. The tiger's mouth is attached to its lumbar support. The gooseneck is fixed on the small thumb and then gently kneaded with the right thumb and forefinger on the outside of the anus outside the goose. Feeling of sesame grain size projections for males, otherwise female chicks. Note that the protrusion is located below the anus.

The anal top anal method is a sublimation technique after the pinching anal method reaches a certain level of proficiency. Non-beginners can grasp. Conduct method: the left hand fixed goslings (with the pinch anal method), the right middle finger gently from the top of its anus, feeling that there are sesame seed size protrusions that is male, if not female chicks.

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